San Jose center recommends infopass from today


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San Jose center recommends infopass from today (23rd august 2004)

I went with my spouse today morning to get the passpost stamping but had to come back. The officer said starting from today they are encouraging only info pass appointments. The non appointments will be serviced only after 2.30pm.

Please make appointments to visit the San Jose service center from now on.

Link to infopass is :
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It's ridiculous that they wouldn't let you get your stamping when you were already there, and when they haven't made any announcement about InfoPass being available there yet.

Hope you get your stamping soon!

(I'm going this afternoon to get mine - I arranged an appointment through my lawyer's office.)
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I got appointment for thursday morning at 7.45am. There were lot of appointments available even for tomorrow and the rest of the week.
When I had gone for stamping on Friday, an officier was making an annoucement, that effective Oct 1st, 2004 they would accept only appointments.
got the infopass appointment for thursday for my spouse...

does anyone here know how much time it usually takes to complete the stamping process through infopass appointment ?

What about at SFO...

What about at SFO.... is Infopass required there as well ? Please share if someone faced the same thing at SFO center.