San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Passed the Interview


My interview was on 1/17/08. I really couldn't recall anything as I was sick with flu. But I will try to sum what ever I can remember. I would have waited less than 5 min, the officer called my "LOOOONG LAST NAME" with LOOOOOOOT of difficulties.

We greeted each other, she asked bunch of Yes/No questions like

Officer: Have ever been arrested? Me: No
Officer: Are willing to Bear Arms? Me: Yes (I answered YES to this question because I heard it means you are willing to bear arms and fight for the country)

My wife and kid live in New Jersey (I got married after I got my GC, there were living in Canada, now she is on H1B and living in NJ). She asked about that I told her, I go back and forth and we will choose a place to settle down soon.

She asked about my work and company .. then she gave me 10 questions from the 100 questions asked me read and answer them .. I did for all 10 ..she was happy ... she gave me a paper to verify my name and address .. I did that .. she said u passed the interview and we will recommend your application for approval .. The whole thing lasted less than 15 min ...

I am not sure when will be the Oath. Once I get my Oath I want to move to NJ and start living TOGETHER with my wife and 18month old son.


04/17/07: FedExed
04/19/07: Received
04/19/07: Priority Date
04/20/07: Notice Date
05/10/07: FP Notice
06/14/07: FP Appt and Done
01/17/08: Interview - Passed
??/??/??: Oath
Does it mean, you have already got the oath letter?

No. I learned about my schedule at an InfoPass appointment.

BTW, I witnessed the oath ceremony today. I will leave it to the people who were sworn in to describe the ceremony. They have earned the right to brag :)
Congratulations, bkarth and others.
Hopefully we, the recent interviewees, will all be able to attend the March ceremony.
The Feb one is no hope I guess since even punk is still waiting for his letter.
Done with the oath.
Was there 15min ahead of scheduled time. There was a long line, actually three lines. Joined one of them and was allowed in 5min. The whole ceremony took about 40-45min with a total of 450+ taking the oath from 57 countries. It ended with distribution of certificates. Dropped the voter registration and purchased a folder for the certificate and straight went to SS office for notifying status change. Completed that work in 5min, which was very quick and returned home for a well deserved afternoon siesta. :D

Journey continues on. Next stop is passport.
Good luck to you all.

Done with the oath.
Was there 15min ahead of scheduled time. There was a long line, actually three lines. Joined one of them and was allowed in 5min. The whole ceremony took about 40-45min with a total of 450+ taking the oath from 57 countries. It ended with distribution of certificates. Dropped the voter registration and purchased a folder for the certificate and straight went to SS office for notifying status change. Completed that work in 5min, which was very quick and returned home for a well deserved afternoon siesta. :D

Journey continues on. Next stop is passport.
Good luck to you all.


Where is the SS office where one needs to notify the status change?
Where is the SS office where one needs to notify the status change?

I didn't know we need to notify the status change from green card holder to citizen.
I know if you got your SS card when you were not allowed to work (e.g as a F1 student), you should notify SS office and get a new SS card that doesn't "valid for work only with INS authorization".
I didn't notify them when I got the GC, so I am going to visit them after oath anyway.
Received Oath Letter

Hello all,
I received my Oath Letter today. Oath is on 21st Feb at 3 PM in Campbell.
Good luck to all.
Oath Letter

Hi All,

Recieved my oath letter today for 21st Feb (10:00 AM) at Campbell Theater.

It is unfortunate that my wife who was interviewed next day did not recieve

I am getting bit paranoid here because we applied for a name change, I hope things will be okay.

I have schhedueled an Infopass on 28th Jan, I hope I will get answers.
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Received Oath letter

I received oath letter today. The officer who had interviewed me had mentioned that I may not get the Feb oath since it's already full. But thankfully I could get it! Thankyou all for the updates and goodluck to everyone :)

DO office - SJC
04/12/07 - PD date
06/13/07 - FP Appnt Date
11/23/07 - IL recv'd
01/11/08 - Passed Interview
01/25/08 - Oath letter dated Jan 22nd 08 received.
02/21/08 - Oath ceremony date on 02/21/2008 at Campbell heritage Theatre at 3pm.
Received Oath Letter

Received oath letter today (Jan 25) for oath ceremony in Campbell on Feb 21 at 10 am. I had requested a minor name change (swap first and last names) and looks like that has gone through as the letter is addressed with the new name.

I notice that a few others on this forum have their oath ceremony on the same day at 3 pm - so it looks like there are two ceremonys that day.
Finally received the Oath letter on Feb 21 @Campbell Heritage

Iterview date is:12/21/2007
Congratulations guys!!!!
I got the oath letter today too.
Unlike other letters, the oath letter is printed on cheap plain white paper.
Oath date is 2/21 3:00pm at Campbell.
Congratulations guys!!!!
I got the oath letter today too.
Unlike other letters, the oath letter is printed on cheap plain white paper.
Oath date is 2/21 3:00pm at Campbell.

Coool Congratulations, I hope Vodka and AnieSanjoe might have got the oath letter by now.
whoo hoo

I'm a citizen as of the 23'rd of this month!!!

took my oath in campbell at 3PM. I was the only one from my country there...

Went on the 24th to the passport office and got a passport (same day processing) worked great!

Loved the letter from president bush in the envelope they handed out (i don't care if you are a republican or not, i loved the gesture)!

Is this country great or what!?
Received oath letter, finally

I received my oath letter today, 3.5 months after my interview (and no one at the DO knows why it was delayed that long). The ceremony is on Feb. 21st at 10 AM.

Congratulations to others who also received oath letters. I hope mimithecat and VodkaMartini007 have also received their letters.
Wow, seems like today is a big day for a lot of us.
There are quite a few early-Jan interviewees who have not reported receipt of OL.
I hope they all have received their letters today too.
Good luck to everyone who has pending cases.
SJ office is slow compared to others but it is quite consistent (especially mailing of letters) and at least today we saw some surprise for Jan interviewees -- we didn't anticipate receiving OL this early.
Hopefully this is the beginning of the speed up from the fees and staff increase (some forum member recently mentioned news said CIS hired a lot of new employees)
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Received oath letter

My spouse and I received our oath letters yesterday 01/25.
Oath scheduled for 02/21, 1 p.m.
It seems like there are multiple oath ceremonies scheduled for this day.
Wow, seems like today is a big day for a lot of us.
There are quite a few early-Jan interviewees who have not reported receipt of OL.
I hope they all have received their letters today too.
Good luck to everyone who has pending cases.
SJ office is slow compared to others but it is quite consistent (especially mailing of letters) and at least today we saw some surprise for Jan interviewees -- we didn't anticipate receiving OL this early.
Hopefully this is the beginning of the speed up from the fees and staff increase (some forum member recently mentioned news said CIS hired a lot of new employees)

in los angeles they give you the option to wait a couple of hours and get your oath letter on the same day you pass your interview.

Congratulations guys!!!!
I got the oath letter today too.
Unlike other letters, the oath letter is printed on cheap plain white paper.
Oath date is 2/21 3:00pm at Campbell.

I have question for you, when you said the Oath letter was plain white paper,how did it look? Did the envelope was addressed from USCIS? I am NYC and I don't want my room mate treating it as another junk mail that is why I want to know hoe to ID the Oath letter.

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