San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

What does "processing" mean?

So what does "processing" cases with PD of March 1, 2005 and earlier mean?

Does that mean that these pre-March cases are being processed for interview letter? Or does it mean that their interviews are being conducted this month? Or does it mean they are being processed for Oath Ceremony? Or just for fingerprints??

Anyone? Please shed some light.

Many thanks,
CitizenKane said:
So what does "processing" cases with PD of March 1, 2005 and earlier mean?

Does that mean that these pre-March cases are being processed for interview letter? Or does it mean that their interviews are being conducted this month? Or does it mean they are being processed for Oath Ceremony? Or just for fingerprints??

Anyone? Please shed some light.

Many thanks,

This is my guess, based on dates people are putting up on this forum, it seems like March,01, 2005 is the Priority date. These people must be finishing up their interviews at this time.
emlsc said:
My case status had disappeared online Thursday,August 25, 2005.
I was getting the following message:
"The status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the National Customer Service Center."

and today, I got the interview letter:

Interview Notice date: 8/26/2005
Interview date: 10/06/2005 @ San Jose

I have the exact same are my N400 twin

Edited To ADD:
Ooops ..actually my interview date is 10/26/2005 not 10/06/2005.
Last edited by a moderator:
FP update - My timeline

DO: San Jose
Application sent: 08/11/05
PD: 08/15/05
Notice Date: 08/24/05
Rec'd Notice of Action: 08/29/05
FP Notice Date: 09/07/05
FP Notice Rec'd: 09/10/05
FP Appointment Date: 09/30/05 :)
Rusus said:
DO: San Jose
Application sent: 08/11/05
PD: 08/15/05
Notice Date: 08/24/05
Rec'd Notice of Action: 08/29/05
FP Notice Date: 09/07/05
FP Notice Rec'd: 09/10/05
FP Appointment Date: 09/30/05 :)

Hi Rusus,
Are you planning on going earlier for your fingerprinting? I have heard the San Jose office is not very strict about the date. My friend had gone for his appointment almost 3 weeks early.
I am hoping my fingerprinting date comes soon as well, my PD is 8/18.
Good luck.

Hi Premal,

probably not, since it won't effect the interview process...

Good Luck to you too!

Fingerprint complete - My Updated Timeline

Thanks everybody for keeping this list updated as your case moves along...
My latest update is..

Here are my dates:
Mailed July 19, 2005
Recd. July 20
Priority Date: July 20
Check Cashed: July 25
Notice Date: July 27
Notice Received: July 30
Finger Printing Notice Recd: Aug 7
Finger printing: Sept 7
FBI got it and fwded to USCIS on same day: Spet 7
Awaiting Interview

Keep the updates coming..

- Kane
DO: San Jose
Application Sent --> 08/11/2005
Application Received --> 08/18/2005
Priority Date --> 08/18/2005
Check Cashed --> 08/22/2005
Official Receipt Received --> 09/01/2005
Fingerprint Notice Received --> 09/12/2005
Fingerprint Date --> 10/05/2005


PS: I agree with Kane, this really makes the process (wait) easy... I was expecting my fingerprint notice any day, since Rusus and my PD are only 3 days apart. Thanks everyone
How to check status (haven't received interview notice)


My application timeline is as following:
Priority date: 6/27/2005
Fingerprint: 8/3

I have not received notice for interviewing. From this thread, I saw that some people whose priority dates are later than mine have gotten interview nocices. Should I be concerned? How to check status?

I just called the customer service number. It says "this application has received. It usually takes 330 to 360 days to mail a decision. A customer service representive doesn't have more current information."

Thanks in advance for any pointer.

Checked fingerprinting


I called FBI at 304-625-5590
She told me that my fingerprinting was received on August 4th. She said it usually takes one day to process fingerprinting. In my case, 6 minutes. Does this mean the fingerprints are not clear? She said she couldn't provide further info.

CitizenKane said:
Thanks everybody for keeping this list updated as your case moves along...
My latest update is..

Here are my dates:
Mailed July 19, 2005
Recd. July 20
Priority Date: July 20
Check Cashed: July 25
Notice Date: July 27
Notice Received: July 30
Finger Printing Notice Recd: Aug 7
Finger printing: Sept 7
FBI got it and fwded to USCIS on same day: Spet 7
Awaiting Interview

Keep the updates coming..

- Kane

Hi Kane,
can you tell me how you found out that the FBI got it and fwded to USCIS on the same day?

Wait time to receive Oath letter after Interview?


I have a question. I had my Citizenship interview on Aug 17 in the Oakland,Ca office. Everything went fine, took about 15 - 20 min. At the end, I asked the interviewer if my fingerprinting and name check was all fine. She just said, everything looks good and complete. Which I thought was an odd answer, but she smiled and I did not push further. In the N-652 form the following three are checked:
- "You passed the tests of English and U.S. History and government"
- "USCIS will send you a written decision about your application"
- "A) Congratulations! You application has been recommended for approval. ..."

I have two questions:
1. How long is the wait till I receive the Oath letter.
2. From the date the Oath letter is received, how many days later is the Oath?

I am curious to know if I am worry for no reason, and it is too early to be expecting the Oath letter.

Thank you,

May dates are as follows:
Sent N-400 : April 4
Received receipt letter : April 21 (priority date April 12)
Received fingerprint letter : April 26
Fingerprint : May 18
Received interview letter : July 1
Interview : Aug 17
Got my interview letter

Priority date : 27th july'05
Interview date : 25th aug'05
Recd interview letter : 17th sept
interview date : 21st nov in Oakland

Requested for : interview letter, green card, passport and selective service registration evidence...don't know whats that...

I think this has already been discussed somewhere else, please search for selective service. It has to do with registering with the army or something if you were a green card holder at a certain age (26 or something) this or other forums you should find something.
Yes, I looked into the prior mails. But, none of those apply to me. Because I am a female that arrived in this country when I was after 26 yrs old.

Priority Date : 07-26-05 [ entered 07-27 earlier by mistake ]
Finger Printing at Oakland : 08-25-05
Interview Date at Oaklan : 09-21-05

anjalimf said:
Priority date : 27th july'05
Interview date : 25th aug'05
Recd interview letter : 17th sept
interview date : 21st nov in Oakland

Requested for : interview letter, green card, passport and selective service registration evidence...don't know whats that...

All the best for ur int. My dates are quite similar to ur's though my int should be at the SF office. So I should be looking out for the int. letter soon too

As far as Selective Service goes, here are links to their website FAQ's re: who must register.

If you were in a non-immigrant status (F-1, H-1 etc) between 18 to 26 yrs then you are not required to register. Otherwise pretty much anyone else who is male (documented or illegal) 18-26 when you arrive here you are required to register.

You should obtain a Status Information Letter (SIL) from Selective Services, which you need take to the int. It took about 2-3 weeks for SS to send me the letter after I sent the request with supporitng information. Information on how to obtain the letter is per the link.
Hi sfbayguy

Thanks a lot for helping me out again.
I will follow the link and do the needful to get a letter for the Selective evidence.

Thanks again
Still Waiting

My timeline:

DO: San Jose
Priority Date: 22 June
Fingerprinting: 28 July
Waiting for Interview Appt....

If anyone with PD later than June 22 has received their interview
letter, please update your timeline or just respond. San Jose DO only,