San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

Congrats Raj and SammySam :)

PS: By the way, I have been updating the oath experience with extra things I remember. I believe reading oath experiences before going to the oath takes a lot of anxiety out of it. Thanks omorpheus for your recent post of oath experiences. However, I disagree with some of those posters. The ceremony was actually pretty good and it didn't feel long or boring.
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Congratulations to all those who took oath yesterday. Now I am happily to say finally I receive the oath letter for Sep 19. It was issued on 8/20, and mailed on 8/21. Good prediction, Huracan.

Mp PD was 12/26, and passed interview on 8/1.
Got Oath letter

I finally got my oath letter for Sep 19 at Campbell Heritage Center :D

loveduser, did you get an oath letter?

Huracan, you were right in this prediction again :p
Have faith in yourself and keep predicting ....

Do you know how much time is it taking for expedited passport? -- any estimates post office people provided?
Congratulations on your oath guys!!!

Hurcan can you predict one thing for me pleeeeeeese?
My PD is April 2nd and FP was done in June 8th, when am I going to get my IV letter assuming checks are completed?
We received one oath letter today for sep 19th. Hope we get the other one tomorrow otherwise Aug 8th Interviews Oath I believe will be in October.

Congratulations Omorpheus and others who had received the oath letter today and to those who have taken oath yesterday.

This site (people like Huracan ....) predict the events better than the USCIS online :). Can they apply for that post NOW(I believe you should be citizen to work in USCIS) :)
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Don't worry, you will get the oath letter tomm. May be your wife's oath will be in morning and your's in the evening -- that is causing the delay.

Huracan, Instead of joining USCIS, become a freelancer and earn better money :D: may be :)
Hi Annie-SanJose,

Your PD is 2 days before mine. My case status shows something like Case rcvd & processing. Haven't seen any March PD's with IL's yet. Is your status showing "Case retrieval failed..."?


I have not received my interview letter yet and my case also shows "Case received and pending." I am interested in hearing if the case status has changed for tooOldTooWait.
Don't worry, you will get the oath letter tomm. May be your wife's oath will be in morning and your's in the evening -- that is causing the delay.

Huracan, Instead of joining USCIS, become a freelancer and earn better money :D: may be :)

I have sometimes thought that if my current career falters I'd probably try to become an immigration lawyer :) I've also thought a couple of times to start immigration websites. Joining the USCIS, probably not. Congratulations on the oath letter and have a happy oath ceremony next month.
Congratulations on your oath guys!!!

Huracan can you predict one thing for me pleeeeeeese?
My PD is April 2nd and FP was done in June 8th, when am I going to get my IV letter assuming checks are completed?

I know you don't want to hear my prediction :( but you probably have made your own prediction. I would say December timeframe, but think positive, as San Jose takes so long to schedule an interview it means that most people don't even realize they were stuck on name check for a while ;)

My best advice is don't waste your time with Infopass unless you see that people from your same PD have received interview appointments and you haven't. Even then I would leave a few weeks. To be honest it probably doesn't make a difference if you find out you're stuck on name check before the interview. There is not much you can do. At least I would contact congresspeople to let them know what a disgrace the name check process is.

PS: I am curious to see whether the increased fees have an immediate effect on hiring and processing times.

My 2 cents.
We received one oath letter today for sep 19th. Hope we get the other one tomorrow otherwise Aug 8th Interviews Oath I believe will be in October.

Congratulations Omorpheus and others who had received the oath letter today and to those who have taken oath yesterday.

This site (people like Huracan ....) predict the events better than the USCIS online :). Can they apply for that post NOW(I believe you should be citizen to work in USCIS) :)

I guess you're right, one probably needs to be citizen to apply for a federal job at USCIS. To be candid, I am not considering it, but if there was a major recession and I couldn't find an engineering (software) job and I had to bring food to the table I could apply for it, but I don't think I would try it here in the Bay Area, too expensive for what I'd expect they'd pay. I have really got to like this immigration stuff so I wouldn't doubt seeing myself on an Immigration related job :)

I think you're right. We predict things here pretty well. I am sure USCIS can do that too, but they don't disseminate the information. This is why this website is so good, you get more data points to make better predictions.

PS: I am glad omorpheus got his oath letter today. Now I can also candidly say that I didn't think that he was going to get the oath letter for the August ceremony even when the IO told him that they were still filling out the August ceremony. That was my own hunch, but I didn't like to let down his hopes.

I have a friend who's an MD. I remember visiting him at his hospital once, when I think he was still doing his residency. Anyway, I saw a middle age man coming out of his office before I came in. I heard my friend kind of telling him some hopeful words. When I came in he told me that the poor fellow just had a few months or weeks to die from cancer, but how could he tell him that. I guess it is a human trait that we try to stay positive even when most evidence says the contrary.
I finally got my oath letter for Sep 19 at Campbell Heritage Center :D

loveduser, did you get an oath letter?

Huracan, you were right in this prediction again :p
Have faith in yourself and keep predicting ....

Do you know how much time is it taking for expedited passport? -- any estimates post office people provided?

I come from a scientific background. I guess it is in my nature to doubt and second guess myself constantly.

The post office acceptance agent fed me the standard it is going to take 3 weeks. The lady seemed to know her job, but it's funny how the conversation went:

(Myself stuttering a bit)
-- I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but do you know that the State Department recommends to indicate on the envelope that it is Expedited?
(acceptance lady)
-- I know how to do my job. I have been doing this for over eighteen years.
(Myself feeling defeated)
-- Ok, I just wanted to make sure.

I think she was not even paying attention to anything after having demonstrated her seniority on these issues ;)

Anyway, I have got from other threads that the West Coast is faster, perhaps around 10 days. I'll let you guys note.

PS: I noticed the signature is limited to 500 characters. I might have to chop some of the information to make room to the N-600 and passport information. Pity, because the signature helped me to remember those dates that will be lost otherwise. I am tempted to make a post here just with my dates so it sticks beyond the signature. I have already trimmed my signature without removing information.
Oath Letter Arrived Today

Received my oath letter today for Sept. 19 at Campbell. Thanks Huracan and others for sharing your experiences. They are very useful and help in easing any anxiety we have in terms of what to expect and do next.

Huracan - do you mind sharing where you applied for the passport and the timelines involved? Also what documents that we need (besides the naturalization certificate) for the passport?

Thanks again!
Of course I don't mind. I have indeed shared this information on the Expedited passport thread. I applied at the Agnew U.S. post office in Santa Clara (Lafayette St, close to Rivermark, for those who know the area). If the passport is just for yourself, the only thing you need is your naturalization certificate. Take your driver's license as they will ask for it, but it will be given back to you right there.
For Vodkamartini ..........
"Any news about your IL? Could you pls update when you recv the IL as our PD's are almost the same?"

Nope....havent heard anything from the will come when it comes.....worrying about it is not going to expidite it :) i shall let you know as soon as i get my also keep me posted. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!l
here is my info. again
Congratulations on your oath guys!!!

Hurcan can you predict one thing for me pleeeeeeese?
My PD is April 2nd and FP was done in June 8th, when am I going to get my IV letter assuming checks are completed?

I agree with Hurcan.
According to what I see from people's signature, you get interview letter about 6 to 7 month after your PD.
You and I are about the same time.
We should get the letter by the end of this year.
Hopefully there is nothing wrong with name check.

Does it really not help whether we try to find out at this point if name check is OK?
If we find out now it should save us sometime, doesn't it?
San Jose N400 Timeline

I also got my oath letter yesterday (8/23). Oath Ceremony is at 1 PM on Sept 19 in Campbell. Thanks to Huracan and others for reassuring me last week when I had started to get worried and kudos for being spot-on with your predictions.

My details.

N-400 timeline
DO : San Jose

Notice date- 12/26/2006
FP date - 1/31/2007
FP done (walk-in)- 1/17/2007
Interview date - 8/1/2007
Oath Letter- 08/23/2007
Oath Ceremony - 09/19/2007
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I agree with Hurcan.
According to what I see from people's signature, you get interview letter about 6 to 7 month after your PD.
You and I are about the same time.
We should get the letter by the end of this year.
Hopefully there is nothing wrong with name check.

Does it really not help whether we try to find out at this point if name check is OK?
If we find out now it should save us sometime, doesn't it?

Yes, you are right. The current trend is to have the interview about 6mo after your FP date or get the IL about 6-7mo after mailing.

I don't think verifying name check status makes any difference, unless you are facing time constraints.
I agree with Hurcan.
According to what I see from people's signature, you get interview letter about 6 to 7 month after your PD.
You and I are about the same time.
We should get the letter by the end of this year.
Hopefully there is nothing wrong with name check.

Does it really not help whether we try to find out at this point if name check is OK?
If we find out now it should save us sometime, doesn't it?

Yes let's be in touch. As for infopass I am not taking it yet, I will wait till it is middle of october.

Huracan and everybody thanks for the reply
Given your excellent prediction skills, can you predict following for me?
1. Interview letter date.
2. Interview date.
3. Oath letter.
4. Oath date.

Here are my N400 application details:
RD/PD: 4/11/07
FP Scheduled and done: 6/12/07

I need to tentatively schedule my move based on the interview letter date, so any intelligent guess would help a great deal.
