San Francisco Interview Experience


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Our interview is at 0930, we arrived at 0820 and were at the door at 0845. THe guard at the door requested us to left our cell phones at our car, because our cell phones has camera function. We returned at the door at about 0900. Then we were asked to show our I.D. and notice letter, then to go through the security and went to the 2nd floor.

We gave the notice letter to the reception and were asked to wait in area D. We were called by an office at about 0955. She asked us to take the oath before we sat down. She said you are promised to tell the truth, the whole truth......My husnabd and I did not know what to act after she said all those, so I started trying to repeat what she said and my husband followed. Then the lady said "Just say yes or no." :D

The lady asked us to show our passport, driver's licenses and social security cards. She was taking notes, and then asked if I have been arrested and all those questions. Then she asked if we have used other names, where did we and do we work.

Then she turned to myhusband and asked us how we met. My husband said,"Introduce by friend." I was thinking, "could you be more specific." Then the lady waited for about 5 seconds while she was taking notes, and then she said "and then?" My husband said, "I was love in the first...... Then we started dating and she was a bit confused at day I just catch her hand on the street. my heart was like...

Then I told the lady that he was not good at words, so I descibed how we met. Then she asked when did we meet each other in person, when did we started dating, when did we get really serious.Then we asked if we have any wedding ceremony, if any receptions. We said we have no reception, but have imformal dinner with friends, but is planning to have one in my home contry since all our parents and friends are there. She asked when will that be, we said as soon as we get this done, so I can leave the country.
San Francisco Interview Experience II

She then asked if we have any bills which we have our names together. We showed her our cell phone bills, which we are on a family plan, and the contract that I added his number to my account. Then the comcast bills which I just added his name 2 months ago. The our joint bank accounts which we started about 5 months before we were married. The lady said, " so you have joint accounts before you were married, pretty confident huh?" I said," It was because I found out that my husband saves money better than I do." Then we showed her 2 credit cards which we have the same account, she said there is no indication who make which items, but since we have the copies of the credit cards, then that is enough. She asked if we have joint insurance. I said we used to have separate insurance from work, and then I stopped working, and so I lost my insurance, and when I wanted to join my husband's insurance, his company said I have to wait until June for the open enrollment (I have the secretary's email to prove). Then even before that, my husband changed job, and he is still in probation, so there is no insurance. And my new job does not provide insurance, they just give me cash reimbursement. She did not asked for our car title which have both names, did not asked for any pictures, and we did not initate to provide those. She seems to be happy with the documents.

So she asked for tax filing copies for my husband. My husband only has he W2 for last year, and nothing else. The lady said the W2 only means he makes enough money, does not mean that he does not own the govt money. And I myself only had federal tax filing in 2003, and CA tax file for 2004. So I guess that does not work for her. She was not too happy and turned to us and said "see, you did not come well prepared, if you have the tax filings, we can just get this done". So she gave us a letter with instructions where to send the tax filing information to her. She said the file will be will her until the end of the month, and if we don't have the documents to her by then, we have to wait again (I hate to let this happen).

So we went home and go to the IRS DO and asked for transcript of the tax account of my husband (which is free, but if a photocopy of the actual filing we did will cost $39 each. The gentleman at IRS said the transcript will be enough for immigration purpose). It said it will take 10 to 15 days to deliver.

So that is it. I hope the tax info come before the end of the month. And if anyone had this experience, can you let me know if the transcript is enough, or we actually need to pay $39 for the actual copy.

Well, so I have my F1 visa stamped "Adjusted" which means she cancelled my visa, but does not mean that my application is approved.

Good Luck to you all!
YOUR interview seemed pretty tough, asked quite a lot questions compare what I read from others. Lots of details invovled. I haven't order tax return yet, maybe I should start working on that.

I think after you made up your tax returns, everything will be fine. If worried too much, make an infor-pass after 11 days, to make sure they get your stuff on time. USCIS can be really slappy

best luck to you
Does anyone know transcript is enough?

And if anyone had this experience, can you let me know if the transcript is enough, or we actually need to pay $39 for the actual copy.
In few words, the officer was asking them their tax returns, W2 just indicate how much money you earn not what you paid to the goverment.
Let us know what happen after you give the documentation that they are waiting.
Good luck,
Didn't you submit the tax transcript in the 485 package?
We had our interview in SF on12/7. Officer didn't ask us for tax transcript since we already submitted in the package along with 864.
wonder why you need it again.
for any of you wonder which, we only had free transcript which was just fine.
Bank Statement??

Well, I just got a call from home that my grandma was admitted to the hospital. I have to take a trip to go see her, since I was that close to approval, I do not want to apply for an AP if I don't have to.

I wonder if the bank statement with indications that I deposit a tax refund check will work.

Anyone had interview in SF DO, can you let me know if they stamp your passport now? If yes, I can leave the country ASAP.

Please give me some suggestions.