same day fingerprint and civic/english test


Registered Users (C)
has anyone did their fingerprinting and took the civic/english test the same day at an ASC? particularly in Glenmont ASC? if yes, kindly post here how long it took from the time they did your fingerprinting and administered the test to when you finished the test. thanks!
ateganda29 said:
has anyone did their fingerprinting and took the civic/english test the same day at an ASC? particularly in Glenmont ASC? if yes, kindly post here how long it took from the time they did your fingerprinting and administered the test to when you finished the test. thanks!
ASC folks do only your fingerprints. You are tested for proficiency in english/civics at the time of your interview. You will receive a separate notice inviting you to the interview at your district office. You will receive this invitation after you are done with the fingerprint session with ASC.
thanks for your reply mpotturi! but i have read posts where some ASC's administer the english/civics test the same day as you get fingerprinted. i guess it depends on the center.

can you show up early on your fingerprint appt (same day but couple of hours earlier) and get fingerprinted provided noone's in front of you? will it mess up the process if one does that?

mpotturi, i noticed your timeline. wow, that's pretty quick. goodluck on your interview on 12/12/05. that's exciting. what did you mean on your sig about 'online status disappeared' on 09/29/05? how do you check your online status? i once went online to check the status and after i punched in my receipt number, it brought me to a page where it tells me they received my application on this date and that. and that currently, the application process time is about 360-390 days. i know from reading this forum that it's not accurate. is that what you meant that your online status disappeared?

another question mpotturi, i know you submitted an N-400 application. did you have any other visa prior to getting your GC (like F-1 or H-1, etc)? or you only had GC when you came here?
ateganda29 said:
thanks for your reply mpotturi! but i have read posts where some ASC's administer the english/civics test the same day as you get fingerprinted. i guess it depends on the center.

can you show up early on your fingerprint appt (same day but couple of hours earlier) and get fingerprinted provided noone's in front of you? will it mess up the process if one does that?

mpotturi, i noticed your timeline. wow, that's pretty quick. goodluck on your interview on 12/12/05. that's exciting. what did you mean on your sig about 'online status disappeared' on 09/29/05? how do you check your online status? i once went online to check the status and after i punched in my receipt number, it brought me to a page where it tells me they received my application on this date and that. and that currently, the application process time is about 360-390 days. i know from reading this forum that it's not accurate. is that what you meant that your online status disappeared?

another question mpotturi, i know you submitted an N-400 application. did you have any other visa prior to getting your GC (like F-1 or H-1, etc)? or you only had GC when you came here?
Some ASCs do not mind if you show up earlier than your appointmnet time or even appointment date; some are not. You have to check with your ASC. However, I have not heard a single case where english/civics test is administerd by ASCs as opposed to the interviewing officer at DO. This is news to me and am sure it is news to almost anybody on this forum. It would help if you could post the reference of the thread that claimed conducting of fingerprint and english/civics test by the ASC on the same day. Coming to the disappearance of the online status - you get 'case not found' after you punch in the receipt number on the online status page. Usually this happens when the service center dispatches the interview letter. Hope this helps.
here's a link of one of the threads i was talking about that test was administered same day as fingerprint appt:

if you refer to post #37 where jzlthssw quoted lunamoped on his experience during his interview. according to lunamoped, during the interview, the officer did inquire about his test. he gave the officer the letter that was issued to him after passing the test during FP appt.

how can you contact the ASC? in my case, Glenmont ASC? on the fingerprint notice of appt, there's no phone number for the center, only the address. i tried to look it up with the address i have to no avail. i even called USCIS customer service and they told me that they don't have a number to give out to the public.
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ateganda29 said:
here's a link of one of the threads i was talking about that test was administered same day as fingerprint appt:

if you refer to post #37 where jzlthssw quoted lunamoped on his experience during his interview. according to lunamoped, during the interview, the officer did inquire about his test. he gave the officer the letter that was issued to him after passing the test during FP appt.

how can you contact the ASC? in my case, Glenmont ASC? on the fingerprint notice of appt, there's no phone number for the center, only the address. i tried to look it up with the address i have to no avail. i even called USCIS customer service and they told me that they don't have a number to give out to the public.
Thanks for posting the link. I have learnt something new. Did they mention on your fingerprint notice if you will be tested for english/civics in addition to the fingerprinting? Or is it that you have to request them to give you the test? Just curious to know the process. About contacting the ASC, I was thinking that the contact information will be available on USCIS site. But since you have already explored that avenue, I do not have any advice to give you on that. May be you can visit ASC if it is not too far and try it out.
you're welcome. hey, that's why we're all here in this forum right? to get and share information :) my fingerprint notice did not mention anything about the english/civics test. and i don't know if it did on the people that took the test same day or were offered. i know for a fact tho that a friend of mine who just took his oath last month, his ASC is glenmont as well. he said when he showed up for his fingerprint appt, after he was fingerprinted, they asked him if he wanted to take the test that day. he was not ready, or atleast caught off-guard, so he opt not to. he ended up taking the test the same day as his interview.

g :) , another member here posted that one can take the test the same day as fingerprinting as long as the computer is not down. on g :) 's case, the computers were down so he/she was not able to take the test same day as fingerprinting. so he/she took the test, did interview, and oath-taking all in one day.
i just want to update everyone. i went to Glenmont ASC this morning for my fingerprinting appt. my appt was at 10am but i got there around 9:15am. i filled out the paper they ask you to fill and waited for my turn. there were several people in front of me. by the time i was called, it was about 9:45am. i asked the tech if they were administering the test today. the tech said that the lady who does that isn't in so they're not offering the test today. i can have that done when i go for my interview. i said that was fine. and as soon as i said that, a guy (i guess their supervisor) came by and said that the testing center is now open. the tech then said that it's my lucky day. he asked if i still wanted to take the test and i said that i did. he said to the lady tech that came to get my fingerprints that i will be taking the test after she gets my fingerprinting done.

after my fingerprints were taken, i waited for about 10 minutes to take the test because there was another lady in front of me taking the test. i was asked if i needed to review. i said i was okei. when it was my turn, a lady asked me to get in her office. it was just me and her. she gave me a piece of paper with 10 multiple questions. asked me to answer all 10. did that and then she checked it. after which, she asked me to read the sentence she was pointing at the paper. i read it. then she said a sentence and asked me to write that sentence. and then it's done. she printed out a paper stating that i have passed that test. she told me that i will receive a letter next year (which sounds far away but really it's just a month and a half away) about my interview in baltimore. and when i go for my interview in baltimore, i need to bring the paper she just handed to me. and told me i was done.

i just wanted to share to everyone my experience and any clarifications regarding taking the test the same day as fingerprinting even if the notice did not say anything about taking the test. but i guess it all depends on the ASC's as well. if they at all administer that or just let their DO do it themselves.
did the person tell you when in next year you would be getting an interview letter? or she just said "next year" as a "generic answer"?
Question for Ravi Rai and (Minneapolis MN folks!)

Same day fingerprint and civic/english test :

Is this true for Minneapolis/ St. Paul DO too???

Please let me know..
it wasn't actually an answer cause i didn't ask her. she just said it as part of an instruction. this is how she said it verbatim: congratulations, you passed the test. you will receive a letter next year about your interview. you will be interviewed in baltimore. when you go to baltimore for your interview, bring this paper with you (hands me a paper that says that i passed the test).

i was about to ask her what part of next year. cause 'next year' sounds far away. but then i stopped myself and realized that it's not that far away really. i know i should've made it clearer and asked her what part of next year should i expect it. but if the timeline for baltimore is correct and consistent, according to several threads, it usually takes 1-2 months from the time of fingerprinting. so i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

ocworker, according to your sig, you had your fingerprint taken and then you called FBI to check if they received your fingerprints. which number did you call? and did you take to a live person or an automated one? also, how many days after having your fingerprint taken did you call FBI?

ateganda29 said:
ocworker, according to your sig, you had your fingerprint taken and then you called FBI to check if they received your fingerprints. which number did you call? and did you take to a live person or an automated one? also, how many days after having your fingerprint taken did you call FBI?



i talked with a live person. I told her I would want to get the status of my FP for my natrialzation application. She asked my A# and last name. then she told me when they received it, and when they sent back.

I called the next day after I had my fp taken.

In fact, I do not know if that ACS officer really knows when in next year you would be receiving the interview letter. it is very varies thou.

good luck. you can find out that FBI number from the 2 sticky posts too.
lp said:
Same day fingerprint and civic/english test :

Is this true for Minneapolis/ St. Paul DO too???

Please let me know..
This type of civic test is a pilot test project that will replace current civic test procedure by the end of 2006. Some Distric office were randomly selected and the people are randomly selected to take the test as well.
ocworker said:

i talked with a live person. I told her I would want to get the status of my FP for my natrialzation application. She asked my A# and last name. then she told me when they received it, and when they sent back.

I called the next day after I had my fp taken.

In fact, I do not know if that ACS officer really knows when in next year you would be receiving the interview letter. it is very varies thou.

good luck. you can find out that FBI number from the 2 sticky posts too.

thanks ocworker for the number.

when you said that when you call FBI and ask for the status of your FP for your naturalization, they give you 2 dates: date they received the FP and date the FP was sent. what does the date the FP was sent mean? sent to USCIS? does that mean that your FP passed from FBI check, thus your FP is cleared, and it's sent to USCIS?
ateganda29 said:
thanks ocworker for the number.

when you said that when you call FBI and ask for the status of your FP for your naturalization, they give you 2 dates: date they received the FP and date the FP was sent. what does the date the FP was sent mean? sent to USCIS? does that mean that your FP passed from FBI check, thus your FP is cleared, and it's sent to USCIS?

FP result was sent electronically from FBI back to USCIS. No, it does not mean it is cleared or not. It means the result was returned back to USCIS.
It is not the background check so I cared less thou. The only thing your FP would be rejected IF THE COMPUTER CANNOT READ YOUR FP.

FP check returns back to USCIS does not mean you do not have a criminal background. it just means the result is sent back to USCIS and process moves on to next step.

this URL contains the fbi phone number for checking your fp status
(google is your friend. remember it! hee hee)
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ocworker said:
FP result was sent electronically from FBI back to USCIS. No, it does not mean it is cleared or not. It means the result was returned back to USCIS.
It is not the background check so I cared less thou. The only thing your FP would be rejected IF THE COMPUTER CANNOT READ YOUR FP.
FP check returns back to USCIS does not mean you do not have a criminal background. it just means the result is sent back to USCIS and process moves on to next step.

Could you please be tell us the meaning of “Result”? When you say “Result”, I wonder what the kind of information is given to USCIS because according to your post, it doesn’t mean that the name has been cleared or even mean that I do not have a criminal background check.

PP4U said:
Could you please be tell us the meaning of “Result”? When you say “Result”, I wonder what the kind of information is given to USCIS because according to your post, it doesn’t mean that the name has been cleared or even mean that I do not have a criminal background check.


to be honest, i do not know the answer. in fact, all i know is, if i had a criminal record in US, after FP taken, the criminal record info should be sent to USCIS.

anyhow, from what i read here, and what i understand, FP is not related with the background check or name check. it is a separate check thou.

PP4U said:
...or even mean that I do not have a criminal background check.

shouldn't you know you should have a criminal background or not?
or did you mean about the background check is cleared or not?

btw, background check = name check.