Salary Question For I-485


Registered Users (C)
I-485 ND 01/31/2001, FP 06/06/2001,
Automated System started giving standard answer since 08/06/2001, before this date it used to say case not found. (345 days to 540 days processing time)
I have read discussions in these forums that salary decrease of around 5% may not cause any problem. My question is regarding salary increase, If the current salary is around 20-25 % more than the one given in labor certification, what are the implications. Please share your views and also if anyone has/had similar situation, please share your experience.
thanks in advance.
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I don\'t think so it should be a problem. I am also in same sitiuation and my LC has lot less than I am been paid. However, at the time of applying for 485 my lawyer took a letter from my employer for salary that I was getting and that too was more than the LC was approved for. He told me less may be a problem but not more.
This is great that you have started getting the old message for 485 application. Btw did you call INS or something becuase I have filed in Jan and had my FP in May and I am still getting "Case not found " message.