Sailing Permit ??


Registered Users (C)
was browsing thru the web for CP. at one place ( they mentioned about Sailing permit as one the documents needed. This is a permit issued by the IRS.
Any comments/experience on this ?


Here is the text copy from the web site:

If you are either a resident or a nonresident alien departing the United States, you will usually have to show your compliance with the U.S. income tax laws. You do this by obtaining a tax clearance document, commonly called a "Sailing Permit" or "Departure Permit," from the IRS. (For INS purpose any one who does not have green card are non resident alien, but for IRS purpose even non green card holders who have stayed in US for 182 days are considered resident alien. For information about resident or non-resident alien for IRS purpose, refer to Publication 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens).

It is legally possible for the government to prevent someone from leaving if they don\'t have sailing permit. This permit is rarely asked for at the consular post, but it advised that every immigrant applicant should carry this before going for the interview.

If you do not have taxable income, or you are a resident alien who is leaving only temporarily, use fillable(type in) Form 2063 to apply for a sailing permit. If you are a resident alien leaving the United States with no definite plans to return for the year, you will have to complete Form 1040-C, U.S. Departing Alien Income Tax Return, in order to get a sailing permit. Nonresident aliens who have any taxable income will also have to complete Form 1040-C to receive a sailing permit. You must pay all tax shown as due on the Form 1040-C unless you furnish a bond or an employer letter guaranteeing payment, or the IRS is satisfied that your leaving will not jeopardize collection of the tax. Any tax you pay counts as a payment on your final return that you file after the end of your tax year.

Apply for the sailing permit no earlier than 30 days before you plan to leave. You should apply at least two weeks in advance of your departure. To get your sailing permit, visit your nearest walk-in IRS office. If you are married to an alien who is leaving the country with you, both of you must go to the IRS office.

You must bring with you all the following records and information for the current year, that apply:
A valid passport and your alien registration card or visa,
Copies of the last two years\' income tax returns with proof of payment of any balance due,
A statement from each current employer showing the wages paid and tax withheld from January 1 of the current year to the date of departure. For this statement you can use a payroll deduction slip for your last paycheck if it shows this information.
If you are self-employed, a profit and loss statement for the current year to the date of departure.
Documents showing any gain or loss from the sale of personal property, including capital assets and merchandise.
Proof of tax payments for the past year and this year.
Documents concerning scholarships or fellowships.
Documents indicating that you qualify for special tax treaty benefits.
Substantiation of deductions for business expenses and itemized deductions.
Documentation for dependents claimed.
Airline return tickets.
If you have these documents and pay any tax due you should receive your sailing permit immediately. Sailing Permit Experiences

Atlanta, GA
Today I went to Atlanta IRS office for sailing permit. From the guard at the entrance to the Information officer, no one knew what "Sailing permit" is. They were asking why it is needed.

Finally I picked up form 2063 and told them I need to submit this. Then something made sense to them. Anyway, this was not the case with the lady at the counter, where I gave the form(she understood it). But she looked at it, and asked me if I was returning back to US, to which I answered yes. So she asked me for airline return ticket, which I did not carry with
No Title

its required when ever you leave from usa. its not required, how many times we guys went outside the country and came in. so dont worry about this.
Sailing Permit is needed when you immigrate FROM US

It is an internal Revenue\'s green light to you to "Set Sail".. in other words you are clear to leave the country as your Tax liabilities are fullfilled.

In your case when you are trying to come "in" the country you do not need a sailing permit!!
Sailing Permit

Sudhir, Patta Hara and others.

After 9/11, it\'s better to take the sailing permit too. It only takes 5 minutes to obtain one from the local IRS office.

A friend of mine whhile going for his Consular Processing, was asked the Sailing Permit at Chicago. He did not have one and he showed his 3 previous year\'s tax returns and account statements and could manage to convince the authorities out there.

But to avoid this last minute hitch, take the Sailing Permit