the same letter like you...


Registered Users (C)

You were takes a while to get the letter as a response to the inquiry...i got it a few days ago and it simply says: "your case is still pending" i don't know that it is pending....this is crap...i did an inquiry to ask why is pending, not whether it is pending or not. Of course it's pending when it has not been approved yet. It's like going to the doctor because you are sick and then the doctor says: "Yes, you are go home...!!!:", without telling you the diagnosis.

So, right RD is April 18, 2002, and the processing date is May 31. Obviously it is late. I did 2nd FP on 10/21/04 and FPs were cleared the same day. As a response to the fax to FBI, FBI sent me the form to fill out saying that they didn't have sufficient information to find my records, and what's on the form to fill out is just my name, other words the info I already gave them.

So I think it's the name check that's holding my case. Aren't they the FBI ??? They should know everything about me. I shouldn't need to beg them to acknowledge that I exist !!!! Isn't 2.5 years enough time to figure out who I am ?

Now the question is, what can one do other to wait and let the life go by ?

I called 800 number to do an inquiry on 8 Nov, and I don't think they responded. Response like "Your case is still pending" does not sound promissing. So should I call again now to try to argue or maybe wait until
8 Dec because that's 30 days from 8 Nov? Seems like it's not going to help much. Should I be calling FBI again ?

In other words, how do I make FBI recognize that I exist, and how do I make CIS talk to FBI and request the info from them.

Or maybe it isn't the name check...!!!

Any thoughts ?
I got the same letter too. The funny thing is that their response to my first inquiry was "case forwarded to supervisor" my second inquiry after the supervisor did nothing was "case still pending" so i really dont know what is pending, the case of or forwarding the case to the supervisor:)
I did another inquiry after that, around early this month, and they have not responded.
it is becoming really funny.. i am not as interested in following up anymore.. the more energy I put into this the more frustrated I get.
Guys - these appear to be classic situations where you need to ask your congressman/senator for help. I understand the frustration of not getting any real response from the fbi/ins, but you need to keep pushing. In case you haven't done it yet, contact your representatives today! pleasehelp1 - provide the facts that you have stated in your message to the congressman.
Same situation here:=)

My Receipt date for 485 is 23rd April 2002. I sent an enquiry to USCIS last monday and we received a letter saying your case is still pending. Nothing more than that.
WHen I contacted the congressmen 2 months earlier, they found out that my name check is still pending at the FBI and that's the only thing USCIS is waiting for. I sent several faxes and email to FBI to expedite the process but of no use. The more I think about it, the more I get frustrated. I heard from the congressmen that sometimes it takes more than one and half years for name check process. I hope that doesn't happen for us. Only God can help!!!

RD: 04/23/2002
1st FP: 04/20/2003
2nd FP: 08/06/2004

AD: ?????????????????????
Sorry, I just saw your post. I was hoping you would get something different..., but oh well, I guess we were not that surprised anyway. What really pissed me off was that I call the 1-800 number for the second time - 30 days after my first inquiry, the CSR told me that she could see from the computer system that they did respond my first inquiry on 11/2/04, thus I had to wait for another 60 days(note, not 30 days) to do the second inquiry. I argued back saying that I did not get any useful information from the response, so by making an inquiry, I did not gain anything but restrict me from 30 days window to 60 days window. But she said that was their policy. What a wonderful policy!!! Dare to make inquiry?!
Actually, my congressman's office is also helping me on my case. His office confirmed with me that my name check had been finished and also helped me get my 2nd FP. The reason I called the 1-800 number was because I thought I should do something myself too. I encourage you to ask your congressman's help, it is more effective than playing the loop game with the BCIS customer service...

BTW, I am not from the special registration countries.
Your approval should be around the corner

Your approval should be around the corner since your name check is completed. Our congressmen told me that my name check got completed
first and then came back to me and said - no, your name check is still pending. SO waiting for the name check to be completed

I am not from special registration countries. I am from India..

Thank you very much for your good words. Actually, I did send several fax to FBI to query my name check status. Then at the end of October, I got an email from FBI stated that my name check was completed. The congressman's office also confirmed that later. Just like what you heard, my congressman's office also told me that it took more than one year for one of his clients' name check, but that is the worst scenario. That person's application was a family based I-485 and he is old and has been in this country for a long time, so for FBI manually matching the records, it was time consuming. For us, it should be simpler. So don't worry about it too much.
From your signature, since you're already got your 2nd FP, you approval will come soon. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
Thanks Safari_Tsc

Let us keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.
May God Bless all the immigrants !!!

I don't know what is BCIS's standard procedure for FP and name check. But at least in my case, they were not happening at the same time. The FP usually gets cleared very quickly, most of case within one or two days after you take the FP. But the name check may take longer (don't know at which point BCIS sends name check request to FBI). But in my case, I did my first FP on 6/17/04, FP got cleared on 6/18/04 and sent back to BCIS. The name check was finished at the end of October /04. I got an impression that name check was sent to FBI around July 2004(According to LUD and the time my spouse's name check got finished.) But I still think majority of people's name check are finished within several days. Only those who have popular names and have hits in FBI's system are going to endure the long name check delay.
Actually it is not necessary that only popular names will take a long time for name check. I think for some reason there might have been a communication lag/gap for sometime between USCIS and FBI and that's why many cases between april and may 2002 are still pending for name checks.

For e.g. my name is a very common name like sethu or vijaya. My case has been pending for name check for a long time. So we are not very sure whether what is causing the delay.

I tried to reach FBI since the past two months. No luck or answers yet. When did you initiate the request about name check?

I don't remember exactly when I started to query my name check status with FBI. I checked all my records, and the earliest document I can find now is a fax sent on 9/3/04, but I kind of remember I started to send fax and leave voice message one or two weeks earlier than that. I got an email from FBI on 9/28/04 and told me my name check was completed.
Hope you get your name check done soon!
I'm one of the unlucky guys whose cases are still pending and just learnt from the Congressman that my Name Check was not completed yet. I was asked to do Finger Pring on April 10, 2003 and August 5, 2004 two times. I don't know why the Name Check has not been done yet. Too hard to believe.

I-485 EB1, ND: 05/01/2002
1st FP: 04/10/2003
2nd FP: 08/05/2004