Sad to see Sep \'99 approvals....


Registered Users (C)
Nothing against you Sep \'99 guys. It is high time you guys get the approvals.

I mean to say -- We were looking at Oct \'99 approvals a coupla weeks back and I was hoping I would start seeing Nov \'99 approvals by this time and things will fly from here on. But we are seeing Aug and Sep \'99 approvals again. Hope this doesnt keep going back in circles.....
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madrascal...sorry..but dont u think thats a pretty idiotic message....what control do u think any of us on this board have in this influencing INS....if you are looking for some to start with...
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Sep 99 cases are picked up and approved without any loss of time as soon as the PD became current for those cases. I am a Sep 99 case and I am surprised that INS Vermont was all set to approve once PD became current same day. This is a good sign.
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I think you are correct. They are approving the cases whose processing is complete and priority dates became current. So we may see these cases for a while until all the ND Jul/Aug/Sept cases become current.
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If VSC has done ALL processing for non-current cases, all they
have to do is say "approved" when they get current and send out the notice. Which wont take up too much of their time.
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Beatle... Sorry, but if my message was idiotic, then you are an even bigger idiot to respond. Why didnt you just ignore it.

I have been trying to help and get info from this message board for quite a while. And nobody has ever complained about comments on predictions, state of INS, speed of processing etc. I hope my other friends here would agree.
