RUMOR: February filers, 30 day rule for inquiries


Registered Users (C)
Since CIS moved the JIT date forward so rapidly, there's a lot of us February waiters in a position to file an inquiry. CSC says we have to wait 30 days before faxing an inquiry. There are supposedly two ways of looking at this question of 30 days.
What is this 30 days period?
1) JIT was issued on 5/6 therefore we all (February filers) wait until 6/5 then send it
2) your ND is 2/4 - waith until JIT is 3/4, then fax the damn inquiry
3) something else

* So I called my lawyer (FDBL). He says 2), but in a language that leaves room for 3)
* Then I called NSC. She says 2)
* Then I search immigration web sites. A mix of 60% 1) and 20% 2) and 20% 3)

3 days difference, ugh!
Rule 2) is worse for us than "30 days past date when JIT was isued" if CSC approves cases slowly, but it might turn out to be better if CSC hurries up because they might move the JIT by these stupid 3 days in the next 2 weeks - har, har, hopes don't drink any water.

I'm sending an inquiry anyway. Won't hurt me.
The "Service Center Processing Dates" Web page says:

If you filed your case 30 days or more before the date shown under the heading "Processing Cases with Receipt Date of"...

It clearly means #2 in your list.
JIT probably stands for Just In Time (I think). This is a date published usually bi-weekly by CIS and it's supposedly saying what is the current ND that they are processing. If you filed in February 2002 then the JIT has passed you because it is at 3/1/2002.
Obviously it does not matter much these days (look at me, I'm not approved yet). It can be taken as a reference for when can you do the fax inquiry and as a general indication of what's CSC doing (not much, I can tell you).
Is there a special form to fill

If I want to fax an inquiry myself, what's the form to use? Or do I just type up a letter?
