RSS feed


talkative said:
Please consider generating RSS feed for and updates.


Iportal already has RSS feed built into it. Where would you like to use it? Please enlighten me, I am a bit new to RSS area.
Hi Rajiv,

Thanks for taking time to answer to this thread! After I saw your reply, I pointed my copy of SharpReader RSS to ImmigrationPortal and it WORKS!!

It would also be great to have a feed for this page (or maybe just post information there to as well):

I'm also quite new to RSS, I started thinking about it because I visit so many times a day nowadays. I will post my experience using the RSS feed over the next week on this thread!

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For anybody interested in trying it out:

1. If you don't already have it, download .NET 1.1 using Windows Update (1.0 won't do)
2. Install SharpReader (or similar) from
3. In SharpReader, subscribe to

You will get outlook style Inbox representation of new posts. You can open any post in-place by double clicking it. To change your preferences, turn on Tools->Feed Properties. It's really simple and a timesaver.

Enjoy :D
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How do we subscribe to a partiulcar thread only?
For example, I am interested only in the I-485 Issues in Texas Service Center?

The following RSS feed subscribes me to any post in the whole immigration forum.
talkative said:
I'm not sure if you can subscribe to a specific thead. You can probably use local filters to get that effect. However, you can subscribe to just one forum using this URL:

Just replace the forumids=13 part with the appropriate number.

Talkative has nailed it down.

You can't subscribe to a thread. As of now, you can subscribe to a forum/subforum by giving proper forumid in the subscription line as Talkative has given.

Threads within that forum appear as individual posts that you can click and expand.

Rahul Mehta