Risk of being denied or hold for security check while with AP


Registered Users (C)

Is there any potential risk for H1B visa stamping while with Advance Parole?

If the H1B visa stamping get rejected or holding for security check, can I still be able to return to the USA with my
Advanced Parole without any side effect?

I 'd like to take this chance go to Montreal Canada for H1B visa stamping. Right now I have I-485 pending and I have my Advanced Parole approved. I entered into USA with F1 visa and is now with H1B but with no H1B visa stamping.

Instead of using Advanced Parole, I 'd like to keep my H1B visa and have a H1B visa stamping.

Is there any potential risk for me in terms of H1B visa stamping?

Thanks for your help.
