RIR and non-RIR parallel processing?


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A non-RIR labor cert was filed for me in Nov 2001 and because of the long delay I haven't heard anything yet. However, the company lawyer has filed a second RIR filing in Jan 2005 without waithdrawing the earlier non-RIR application. Is it OK to have two parallel labor certifications filed?

They should reject both applications

They should reject both applications, it is because of "smart" guys like you that we are on this big mess!!! Imagine if everybody did the same thing you did, how many pending applications clogging the system would we have??? I now the system itself is very, very inefficient but, people like you just contributes to make it even worse. :mad:
First, you (jjj8) should be polite. Second, you should read the posting. The ad was placed by the lawyer, not me.
First, I couldn't be more polite than I was, I just exposed you the facts. Second, I responded to whoever placed the ad, my response was addressed to whoever is trying to mess up this already complicated and inefficient system.
If you can't be polite just shut up!!!! You still don't get the point. No one is asking for what the BCIS "should" do.
I agree with you, the point here is not what BCIS should do, the point is what you or your attorney did!!!! Don't you realize that submitting multiple applications for the same case just makes the system goes slower than what it already is!!! That is simple logic my friend, and, by the way, I don't understand your sensitivity about politeness. Why do you keep saying I am not being polite? Did I call you bad names? It sounds to me you are afraid to hear the truth. :mad:
If the lawyer did it...then he should know about it...

Your lawyer should know about it..and frankly there is a backlog because of this problem, misusing the system. I am not blaming you so take it easy. I understand the predicament you are in. I have read so many people applying multiple labors through a number of companies...I can name a few but never mind...uh!! I mean they are true in some ways, they wanted other jobs so they shifted but still...there was one hanging back door for them to jump back over and take that oppurtunity. Some of them were the moderators of this portal so you are small fish in this big mess.

Anyway to help you, as I said earlier I have heard of people applying through other companies, I am not sure what will happen if you apply through the same company...Lawyer is not fool so I guess it should be ok. The fact that both your cases are still in process means that they have not noticed or do not care...atleast if you get one certified you should withdraw the other to avoid the bad intention to apply rule....both your labor certifications could be blocked then.

Why don't you withdraw one now, that will help reduce the backlog?

sujitm said:

A non-RIR labor cert was filed for me in Nov 2001 and because of the long delay I haven't heard anything yet. However, the company lawyer has filed a second RIR filing in Jan 2005 without waithdrawing the earlier non-RIR application. Is it OK to have two parallel labor certifications filed?

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Group please advice........

How can one get a proof of filing for a NON rir labor application
this is to get 7th yr extension and my employer is not co-operating
