**RFEWAITER Approved..***


Registered Users (C)
Wow, Couldn\'t believe my ears when the AVM said \'This case has been approved\'. Oh man, I can\'t tell what a miserable wait it was after the RFE was issued. Checking the AVM two times a day even on the week ends with no luck. The funny thing is the approval date is for yesterday and it got updated today.
Though my story was not as complex as for some of the fellows here but still the news has brought a great deal of joy and kind of made me feel relaxed.
Well, I tell you, no time could be better than this to sit in one of the Mumbai\'s dancing bar and gulp down a couple of big kingfishers but well I am going to celebrate on Sam Adams.

Wish you all the luck. And guys hang in there, I know it is tough, but there is light at the end of this tunnel.

RFE Issued on 7/11/01
RFE Response received by VSC 7/23/01
AD 8/21/01
Now start waiting for the approval letter...

RFEWAITER, congratulations! Mine case was also got approved yesterday and the AVM got updated today. Good Luck and it\'s time that we can move on with our life and enjoy (y)our freedom.
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Thanks & Congrats to you, and thats exactly what it is all about. Move on and think of putting together the life we really wished we would have.
Congrats !!

Definitely a time to celebrate RFEWAITER. Sit back, relax and enjoy the peace of mind. Best Wishes
RFE Congrats

Wish u all the best. After waiting so long and getting RFE is PAIN. Then attorneys take own time to reply even the simple RFE. After That INS may take 2 week to 2 month to process RFE.

Congrats and enjoy the freedom.