RFE Waiting !!!!


Registered Users (C)
can we have all the people who have submitted their RFE and still waiting post the message here so that we can come up with an estimate.
My details

ND - 12/9/1999
RFE Recvd - 04/25/01
RFE replied - 05/03/01

No Title

ND - 12/30/99
RFE info recieved by INS - May 2
No Title

RFE recieved by INS on 05/02/2001 AVM

ND 11/05/1999
FP 03/10/2001
RFE 04/12/2001 RFE : Emp Letter and 3 paystubs.
RFE replied on 04/25/2001

EB2 India
No Title

Rd/ND 10-99
RFE recd - 04/20/01
RFE repld - 04/21/01
RFE recd back by VSC - 04/27/01

Called IIO today and she politley sais case under review please wait....................
No Title

VSC EB2 ND 1/31/2000
REF Received : April 15th 2001
REF Replied and recorded by VSC : May 3rd 2001
No Title

VSC EB2 ND 11/16/99
REF Received: April 15th 2001
REF Replied and update by VSC: May 2nd 2001
No Title

RFE issued 4/13
RFE recd 4/27
RFE replied 5/1

AVM not updated, called up INS yesterday, the IIO very nicely said that it could have been recd but system not updated.

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VSC EB3 PD 3/99 ND 2/16/00 FP 4/7/01 RFE 4/30/01(W2,Paystubs, Employment letter),Waiting....
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EB2 China
PD 01/17/1999
ND 11/01/1999
FP 3/16/2001
RFE rcvd 04/25/2001
RFE rpy 05/02/2001
AVM still not updated for REF receipt info
Waiting .....
No Title

EB2 RIR India, ND Oct1, 99
RFE received by INS on 04/25/2001. sent to officer on 04/26/2001 as per IIO. No decision yet. Waiting ...