RFE waiting for Approval since 11-JUN-2002


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Hello Friends,

My RFE has taken more than expect time. I wanted to know any one has the same case as mine.

PD 11-jan-2000
RD 13-APR-2001
ND 23-APR-2001
FP 5-JUN-2001
EAD/AP 7-JUL-2001
RFE 8-APR-2002
(RFE details
-- BC ( issued by local authorities from place of birth)
-- Marriage certificate and evidence for marriage like
relious docs etc etc
-- Immigration status at the time of filing i485
-- new copy of I94

Same were the contents of RFE for my wife and my son ( for him the marriage certificate was not required as he is just 3 years old by the grace of INS NSC. As such my lawer did ask his marriage date I told aprox Oct 2025).

RFE response sent on 7-JUN-2002 ( too late as lawer very busy)
RFE Received BY INS NSC on 11-JUN-2002

so far waiting for the decision from INS NSC. I spoke to IIO some 4-5 times in three months. Every time there was a new scene presented by IIO. Some time they told it will take 6 to 8 weeks, than they told your case is assigned to IO, than they told, they are verifying my new address in California, than they told, case in process of approval and today they told, your case is on hold and yet to be assigned)

In the meen time my AP/EAD was renewed by INS ( Off cource they have misplaced my EAD card even after notifing the new address well in advance ) so filing the for EAD again.

One more good thing. FP is expiring 5 Sep 2002 ( whole 15 months over after FP ) I am sure they issue new FP notice very soon.

Any one has the same scene as mine Please share your case Details with me. what do you think about Chances for transfering my case to California office as I live in California now. I have changed my adress two time since I filed my I-485 back in APR 2001.

Please reply....

Thanks In Advance.
late RFE response causes late approvals...

My observation on RFE approvals is that the early the RFE response, the early the approval.

I suggest that you better approach Enquiry (any RFE approval should be addressed within 87 days) through your lawer but you better not call them.

Best Of Luck
It's almost 4 months and I am still waiting

I am in a similar situation. It is almost 4 months since I filed the
responses to the RFE and I am still waiting for the approval. My lawer called INS couple of times and every time they give different answer. My lawer is a good one but he says we cant do much except waiting for the approval.

My details:

RD 5/01
ND 7/01
FP 12/01
RFE 4/12/02 BC for myself, wife and kids.
RFE responded 5/8/02

AD ?

Did you talk to IIO on your case. Is your FP still valid and how long it will be valid since my problems is with the FP thing.

Yesterday IIO told me that she will send one notice to the officers about my case and FP dates. I am sure you must also be planning some actions in your case, Please let me know about it as I am running out of options.

I will wait few more weeks

I did not talkk to IIO. My lawyer talked to them couple of times.
My FP is valid until 3/03. There are other options like approaching
Senetor etc. but will think of those after waiting for 2/3 weeks more.

I will post if there is any movement in my case.

- Wait4aos
I did spoke to IIO again and He was very bully today as he was aware that spoke to them yesterday also. He told me that your files are on the way to the officer. There is nothing they can do about it now. If Officer wants another FT, they are going request anyway If they expires.

About transfering the case, he thinks the decision will come from officer. But for now as of today the decision should come from NSC. Luckily my fp dates where 20 jun 2001 as I did two FP times and my wife had FP on 5 Jun. If the decision doesn't comes till that date than my GC is going to go into a big loop of some 6 more months.

I am sure I have corss the time limit where I can get some help from senator also. So that option is also not valid for me ltleast.

Shame on them....

Keep me updates on your case.
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July 01 RFE approved

I just called NSC and the AVM has changed to "approved"

My case info:

RD 6/15/01
RFE 7/1/02 for BC and employment letter along with affidvit of witness for BC.
RFE received 8/14/02
Called IIO and found out it was with an officer on 8/22. So I started to call 3 times a day until 9/4 on which I lost confidence and stopped calling. I really feel miserable until tonight.

Sometimes, the magic words are just on more day away. Have faith and good luck to you all!