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RFE Waiters File updated.

IT_ENGINEER: rfe replied 1/4/02 acknowledeged by AVM 1/10/02
Mehjun: updated
GCWisher: Added Entry
Ajay Chandras: Added Entry
Approved, 12 days after RFE answered

EB2 - India - RIR

RD - 11/4/2000
ND - 11/15/2000
FP - 06/11/2001

RFE(reg. Birth certificate, for me and my wife)
RFE - 12/12/2001
RFE replied - 12/28/2001
AVM updated - 12/31/2001
Approved - 1/11/2002

Thanks for your efforts..
approved after rfe, and correction

Please correct data for Radek, it was actually for my wife, Marta
(dates in order of RFE date,RFE repl\'d, AVM Ack)
RADEK 12/04/01 12/17/01 12/21/01 (this was for MARTA)

RADEK 11/xx/01 11/26/01 11/29/01 (this is for RADEK)

Both + daughter, with same data as Radek, approved on Jan 14th
IT-Enginner or anyone with Medical RFE, please respond

I received the RFE in the mail today. Its about medical and states as follows:

Please return to the physician who conducted your "Medical Examination of Aliens Seeking Adjustment of Status"(recorded on Form I-693). This physician must advice you regarding the new legislation on vaccinations for adjustment applicants who filed Form I-485 on or after September 30, 1996.

The medical examination (Form I-693) you previously submitted with your adjustment application is enclosed for your and the examining physician\'s convenience. The examining physician has indicated that "Applicant is not current for recommended age-specific imminuzation...." or has failed to make any immunization determination on Form I-693.

The Form I-693 is in a sealed envelop and I have not seen what the Physician had written on it. I went thru a blank I-693 form and noticed that on Immunization Determination there are two check boxes
1) Applicant is currently for recommended age-specific immunizations
2) Applicant is not current for ..........and I have encouraged that appropriate immunizations be obtained.

What do the two Check Boxes actually mean?

on the back of the form which lists the action needed it states for immunization incomplete as - Immunizations are not required, but the applicant should be encouraged to go to the local health Department for appropriate immunizations.

I have had all immunizations but do not have record of it. As stated above if immunizations are not required then why RFE?

Anyone had similar RFE? If not, do you know which box your physician had checked? I would appreciate your response.

No problem

My wife received the same RFE.

You need to get imminizations done by either your local doctor or the INS doctor - basically MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), tetanus and polio. If you have already done this before, you will need to show proof to the INS doctor, If you don\'t have documentations, get it done again.

After this is done, the INS doctor will give you a new sealed envelope. Send this back as your reply to the RFE.

Thats about it. You should be fine.
RFE Nov 26th - I485 Approved.

RD July 2000
ND Aug 2000
RFE Oct 2001
RFE Recvd Nov 26th 2001
AD Jan 18th 2002

My Dates for the RFE are very similar

My dates for the RFE are very similar.

RFE replied 1/4/02
RFE ack 1/10/02

Waiting ...

Let me know how it goes
RFE 01/18/2002 according to AVM

Still waiting for the receipt of RFE. AVM not update for wife. Is that normal. Does it mean she has not got RFE. How long does it take to get the RFE notice
Congrats! Did you get the good news from AVM or directly from an IIO. I tried to call, but could not

from the AVM

I jsut called the AVM and it said approved today. The attorney should be getting the papers in the next 2-3 days