RFE Thread Part 3

Blue envelope

Along with the RFE there\'s a blue envelope with the code of the officer. Basically the RFE response goes back to the officer processing your case. Remember, it is a very manual process still.

Be happy, in a couple of weeks you will out of troubles too.

my case was different

In my case, attorney did not receive RFE letter. In fact, RFE letter was lost because lawyer changed his address. He got copy of RFE by fax from INS (after he requested INS to fax copy of RFE).

Lawyer responded to my case on 3/13/2002, AVM updated on 3/18/2002 and my case got approved on 3/21/2002.

Appeal for Help

Hi guys

On Friday I called IIO. I guess I was quite tired to see other people getting approved
whose wac number was greater than mine. My wac number is wac-01-270-5xxxxx
Also I have done fp on November 29th and I was wondering what was wrong with my case.

So The IIO told me that I and my daughter got an RFE. She would not give me details for
my wife because my wife was not present next to me when I called. I had called from
my office.

She also told me that the notices were not printed and mailed but they would be in a
few days. My AVM message still says \'Pending review dt Dec 6th\'

I guess now that my status has moved from \'pending person or waiter or case in limbo or
you could call it status unknown to status - rfe victim\'

No She would not give me details of my rfe.

I guess I will know in 7-10 days from my attorney.

So what is my appeal for help ?

Well - my purpose in maintaining the recent approvals thread was three fold

One - to help myself in knowing what is CSC upto and when will I get approval and

second - to help PCee in his collection of data.

third - to help CSC waiters in their wait for approval in knowing where they stood in the

Another factor to be considered is that the time consumed in gathering all information is
quite large and also my work has increased in the office.

Also now I have moved from \'waiter\' to \'rfe_victim\'

Hence I guess now I shall be cease to maintain the recent approvals thread.

I apologise to all waiters that I shall not be continuing my work.

But yes I shall be around and shall finish this week\'s thread and analysis.

My appeal for help is that I request other waiters to continue this effort and in case
people require my data I shall post the excel spreadsheet which I use to create the
list of approved and pending numbers.

In case someone requires he could contact me by private message and I shall help him
understand the techniques I used to generate these numbers

Hopefully someone will carry the torch further.

Adios Amigos to the Recent approvals thread.

Hope I have not hurt anyone .....

Regards to all waiters.....

Hope everyone gets approved soon...........
Sorry to know that

and Welcome to the place where you visited(wished to visit) the least.
I got the RFE after it was updated on the AVM in three days
RSRGC You are in a better shape now


my troubles with the RFE process started in the same way; somethig wrong with one of the relatives and the son becoming 14 in the meantime. That\'s was fixed quickly and, instead of approving, they RFE\'d myself.

Don\'t despair, you will get the RFE reason in less than a week. If you do what I did, start copying your last four years tax returns including 2001 (every page of them and sign them, I sent 5 years to make my point....), collect the W2, five paystsubs and get the employment letter from the company (it\'s a simple one saying that they intende to employ you at the conditions stated at the tim eof the H-1 offer). You will be able to reply in 24 hours from the RFE and be done in less than 20 days. Don\'t despair, your WAC is 270, I was approved last Tuesday and I was WAC-01-210.....

You are close to the end my friend!

One more thing rsrgc

If you have submitted affidavit (in place of birth cert.), then get non-availability certificate of your birth certificate.

Looking at the trend, your case should get approved in 2 weeks after your RFE resonse has been received by INS.

I wish you good luck.

I have submitted birth certifcate

I had misplaced my original birth certificate for myself and my wife

so I asked my father to get another one from Municipality in India

So the date of issue of Birth certificate will be in the year 2001

and it is an original certificate, not an affidavit.

Do You think that this may create an issue ?
congratulations Chandu117 and Imacze - Thanks pban

Chandu117 and Imacze,if possible please post ur ws numbers.
sorry about the RFE rsrgc But ...

..if ur lucky enough (if ur case is not assigned to Mr. Fernandez) u might get ur approval within a week after ur RFE Response.
BVM-who is Mr Fernandez and how do u know if the case

has been assigned to Mr Fernandez or not ?
At least in my case

the original BC having most recent date made them to ask for the copy of original records. But in my case the Birth itself was registered in May 2001 based on my parents affidavits. So I sent my parents affidavits and non-availablity certificate as proof of BC application at a later date in my RFE response.

I am sorry to know that you got RFE. Hope you get approved very soon.

Good wishes.

My RFE Notice has a WS Number on it and it includes the

name of Fernandez. I assume that it\'s the name of the officer who handled my case. It\'s the same with dsm2sjc.
BVM- oh I see

Let\'s hope that Mr. Fernandez is not assigned to my case

I shall ask my attorney for a copy when he receives my case
New RFE Thread Created - part 4

BVM "RFE Thread Part 4" 4/1/02 3:02am

please post on the new thread from now on.

RFE Case approved as per AVM !!!!!

hi guys,
I heard the AVM last night and my case was approved on 29th march.
that was very quick.
my details are as follows :
pd - nov-2000
RD - june -5th
ND - aug-5th
fp- dec 14th
processing resumed - jan 11th
RFE - feb 27th ( w2, tax paper for 3 years, employment letter, company papers , pay stubs )
RFE replied - march-18th
RFE received as per AVM - march -21th

2nd RFE reply (Layer forgot pay stubs the first time)
sent on march-23th
RFE received - march-26th
approved - march-29th.

Thanks a lot guys for help during this process.

BVM - our cases are so similar that u should get it in couple of days or definitely this week- good luck
Thanks for the good work and best wishes!!!!

Thank you for all your work at this site. I understand exactly how you feel. Just it is a matter of time and there is no reasoning on how INS issues RFE. After you file RFE, if the process takes longer(over 4 weeks), I would suggest to work with your local congressman office.

Best wishes