RFE, Still waiting approval

David Owen

New Member

Anyone still waiting for approval after replying RFE for about a month?

The BCIS received my RFE response on May 9, still waiting. My FP is going to be expired within two weeks.

RD 11/01/01
I saw most of the April or May RFE replies got approved within one or two weeks of receipt. I also know one unlucky colleague whose RFE response was received on November 8, 2002, still pending.
Now I have learned to expect the worst. What is the rational behind all of those irregularity?
I really think that you guys should call the IIO. I would assume that RFE response comes back to the same officer that sent the RFE out initially. It is probably delievered back to him once inputted in the system. Its like open mail lying on the table. He or she should probably check back into the system to either approve or reject. I don't know why the hell would an RFE response lie around for a long time unless there are other investigative matters around it.
Yes, I called last Friday, thought that the regional phone line was going down and this was the last chance I could ever talk to a live agent. The response I got was nothing, it takes between 365-540 days to process it, that's all he could tell me.

Another proof that calling to IIO is basically useless is that, I asked whether it is true that the regional phone line will be replaced by the national toll free number, he said yes. And now this line is still working by today (06/04)
Still waiting

I have called IIO twice in last 2 weeks. Her answer is same, that you need to give Officer little more time. I asked how much time. She said like 4 weeks more.
4/23 RFE

RFE received 4/23, still no news. I do believe that who ever has my case is either on vacation or leave. There has not been any activities after Memorial Day for all the EAC numbers around mine. Let's see what will happen next week.
I also called twice. Was told officer has yet to pick up my case. It depends on the officer's workload, he could have 100 cases on hand. Somebody with RFE got approval sooner, somebody later. We are the unlucky ones.
Count me in. My RFE was received 04/24. No news. I called them last week. The IIO said that they sent out a background check to another office and it hasn't come back yet. My case is simple, and the RFE is the usual, about employment letter, pay check stub.

My theory is that BCIS selectively do some more thorough background checks. Like at the airport, they randomly select people to do a more complete security check (Odd enough, it happened to me once and I almost missed the plane). It seems that I was selected again. You know these background checks could take long time, depending on, among other things, FBI's work load. Most importantly, your luck.

My theory could be completely wrong, who knows what really happened. Now, I just pray.

RD 11/05/01
hi all

I need your help regarding this matter,please response everyone.

On form , one question was "Have you ever been arrested,cited or detained by law enforcement officer for any reason?"

How many forum members mention the "Minor Traffic Ticket" such as REd light cross, speeding ticket, no right turn" ?

please response everyone in this forum.

thank you for your response ,


still waiting..

Any of your cases got approved, since this thread created.

Except waiting , is anything could be done ??
Any of your cases was approved?

Mine May 9 RFE is still waiting. Lawyer said he can't do anything about it.