RFE saw sent!


Registered Users (C)
I called an IIO and she told me that an RFE was sent on the 11th. How long does it take to approve a case after the FRE?

EAC: 99-195-xxxxx
RD: May 15
ND: June 15
No Title

When they say "RFE wREsent", does that mean the file is with an officer or that it has been put again on the shelf?
No Title

My case is number (99-195) is same as yours.

My details :
PD : 2/96
Country : India
Category : EB3

What is your country and category (EB2 / EB3)?
No Title

My writing is all screwed up. It\'s a proof that I\'m loosing it after this long and painful wait. Can anyone answer please my question about whether "RFE sent" means that the file is with an officer or not.
Many thanks

Category: EB3
Country: Other
No Title

RFE sent means -
case is with officer. If RFE response in satisfactory the case is ready for approval immediately and is usually approved withing a week to 10 days (based on the feedback from this board)