RFE response received by VSC, but heard a terrible AVM message


Registered Users (C)
VSC received my RFE response today (the RFE asked employer\'s verification letter and three paystubs).

Just checked AVM, it said "On February 27th, 2002, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It will take between 350 and 540 days for us to process this kind of case. However, because the preliminary processing was completed before request additional material, the remaining process time for this stage of your case is approximately 540 days. ...."

Is this an official message for all the RFE cases? or it is just for my case? My RD is 4/4/01, ND 5/4/01. Already waited for about a year. How much longer do I need to wait? another 540 days? What a nightmare!!!

Anybody with such kind of experience, please help.

Thanks a lot
Would you mind telling us what\'s wrong with your case?

Is your case complicated? You change job something else? Please tell us a little more detail, we might help!
Nothing was wrong in my case

My case is very simple and straightforward. I never changed my job, my position and my address.

Do you think it is a special message for my case? I just wondering what kind of message the other
people got after they sent back their RFE responses.
Do not worry

This is the standard message people get after RFE.
Do not worry, you might get approved in a week or two.
In the same boat

I got my RFE on 12/28 and sent back on 01/15. The AVM updated the same as you heard. Talked to my lawyers & they said it will take anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks to adjucate.

same message for all RFE

the same message i got fro my EAD RFE, and got approved in a week