RFE response on 12/3/2003 but no approva..Is this normal?


Registered Users (C)
My cousines's RFE was for Educationa Evaluation and Company Financial. RFE was received by BCIS on 12/3/2003 but no approval yet. Should I worry? Is there something we can do to trigger an approval? I see lots of people getting approval withing a month or so and ours is over two months.
I would greatlt appreciate any input into this as I'm worried and tired of checking BCIS web site three times a day.

Regards, Parvardigar
Everything is normal at USCIS, as there their dictionary does not define "abnormal" ;)

Here are some RFE'd cases: Some of them are approved quick and some even ignored for long. So agian you luck plays a big role.

There are ND 1/25/03... for your sampling.

EAC03087536** RFE recvd 1/21/04
EAC03087532** RFE recvd 1/21/04
EAC03087514** RFE recvd 1/15/04
EAC03087531** RFE recvd 1/13/04
EAC03087502** Approved 1/22/04 Approved/Completed - RFE recvd 12/31/03
EAC03087530** RFE recvd 12/23/03
EAC03087526** RFE recvd 12/17/03
EAC03087532** RFE recvd 12/17/03
EAC03087528** Approved 1/28/04 Approved/Completed - RFE recvd 11/21/03
EAC03087533** RFE recvd 11/14/03
EAC03087535** RFE recvd 11/3/03
EAC03087508** RFE recvd 10/31/03
EAC03087533** RFE recvd 10/29/03
EAC03087531** RFE recvd 10/21/03
EAC03087532** RFE recvd 7/3/03
EAC03087520** RFE recvd 6/27/03
EAC03087524** RFE recvd 6/17/03
EAC03087507** RFE recvd 5/14/03

Originally posted by parvardigar
My cousines's RFE was for Educationa Evaluation and Company Financial. RFE was received by BCIS on 12/3/2003 but no approval yet. Should I worry? Is there something we can do to trigger an approval? I see lots of people getting approval withing a month or so and ours is over two months.
I would greatlt appreciate any input into this as I'm worried and tired of checking BCIS web site three times a day.

Regards, Parvardigar
Thank you very much! You've been a great source of info.(you also helped me in the past with very valuable info.)
I keep my finger crossed and ask god for some more luck.
Thank you very much! You've been a great source of info.(you also helped me in the past with very valuable info.)
I keep my finger crossed and ask god for some more luck.