RFE required

upside down

Registered Users (C)
I checked AVM just now and heard the bad news that a RFE is sent out. It doesn\'t specify any detail in AVM. I\'ll call tomorrow to find out.

For those who have experience of RFE, could you tell me how much longer it takes after I send the RFE back? My company\'s economy is not very strong and too much delay could only jeopardize my case.

My case info: RD 7/6/01

Thanks for any information!
Hey, i got one too today when i checked the AVM

My RD : 7/10/01
State : NJ

AVM says, RFE sent out for me and my wife on Apr 18, that is today.
One week

You should get the RFE in a weeks time. No point calling the IIO cause they donnot tell the reason for the RFE. Most of the times it is current employment verification. If you are not unlucky then you should get approval in 3-4 weeks after replying to the RFE.
thanks 485runner

485runner, thanks for the info. I can only hope there\'s no more trouble once I receive the RFE.
Same here

I checked the AVM last night and got the news about the RFE. I spoke to the IIO to-day but did not get any info regarding what the RFE is about. Can we keep track of this RFE issues among us so that it might help us all in knowing what the RFE is about and may be we might be helping each other. What do you guys think.

Have Fun.
After you send the RFE

It usually takes 2-3 weeks if you are lucky they might approve your case in few days. All the best.
i found this thread in the site

It\'s a list started by yiwen

BayofB "List of RFE waiters (started 03/26/2002)" 3/26/02 12:28pm
I got RFE too (per AVM)

I checked on 18/Apr - the AVM says "On Apr/17 and RFE/I has been mailed..." for me while for my wife it says "....resumed". Both me and wife have applied together and did FP together.
RD:07/31/2001 and ND: 09/21. Wonder what the RFE is for since we have been very meticulous while filing. Will keep u folks posted. In the meantime "upside down" and "netboyks" (guys who heard RFE msgs on AVM) - lets keep in touch!
Seems they only issue RFE this couple of days

Probably we\'re the first victims of a much tighter scrutiny they\'re imposing recently.
netboyks...the attorney receives the RFE...

please guys...let\'s be in touch and update each other to help track our cases....

take care....
sure, we need to keep in touch

In my case it happens that the lawyer makes more trouble for anything that goes through him.
I have a dream

(pardon me, just had a beer) I have a dream that one day our own native countries will not have so many officials and government workers who are like those in INS or even worse; that we don\'t need to waste our precious life struggling for the basic rights; that we all have the freedom to persue the happiness we are longing for; that we are all free from fear, need or disease; that people of all ethnicity or belief are like brothers; that ...