RFE reply


Registered Users (C)
Got an RFE for Eval, 2 W2s and 3 paystubs...

Worked for company A until Aug 26, 03. Found a job recently with Company B and will be starting in Jan 02, '04.

Can I submit one paycheck from Company B and last 2 paychecks from Company A?? Any problem with this or just one paycheck from Company A is enough?

Have to reply RFE by Feb 04, '04, so max. I can get 2 paystubs. No problem with W2s or Eval.

Any suggestions?

WAC 02 070 XXXXX
RFE RD Nov 20 '03.
GC is for future employment, so you should be okay with 2 pay stubs.

What does your lawyer has to say?

Please don't forget to post your experience once you get your GC. It will help other people in this forum.

Good Luck!

It should be okay. It was done previously by somebody. He submitted 1 from current & 2 from prev. employer. They should be successive.

yes I did my 2FP in Nov '03.

The attorney says shoud be ok. Like to get experience from recently approved people in the forum with similar situation.

I have a gap of 4 months between the paystubs.

Any one else with similar situation and got approved recently?
