RFE Reply at TSC


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to send my RFE response to texas service center within few days. Anybody got an RFE from texas recently!!??!?! anybody can suggest how long it will take for their feedback?!!??! I read really disappointing messages from those who have filed at NSC regarding their exteremly loooong wait times after RFE. Any suggestion?!?!?
When you submit your 140 petition ?
What's the Receipt date ?
And when you get the REF? How long in the letter they ask you to response ?

Are you in Texas now ? I am wondering what's your qualifications? Can you tell us here your
selling points?

Don't feel discouraged. Be Strong.
I filed on December 1st, got RFE for the 3rd prong on Jan31. They gave me 12 weeks but im sending further information earlier. They basically asked more letters from "independent" witnesses which is BULLSHIT based on my knowledge and experience from approval of few friends of mine with lower qualifications.
I have phd in engineering working in a field directly related to national interest, 7 publication (6 first author), session chair at conference, reviewer of other works, workshop organizers for international conferences, etc.

I sent them 12 letters 3 of them were from so called "related" people, 6 letters from 3 different government agencies, 1 from a professor at Cornell, 2 from huge consulting firms. Still they are asking for more!!!!

Anyhow, now im sending them 7 new letters from all over the US, east coast, west coast, north and south! I guess I only didnt get one from the White House, otherwise all BIG names wrote me one!
too many letters likely invited RFE

Likely reason for this RFE: you submitted too many letters (12!). According to some lawyers, an adjudicator only has 15 to 30 minutes to review a case. 12 letters are sure a burden. They need to get their work done within a certain time. If you give the adjudicator a hard time with too many unnecessary letters, he/she will do the same thing to you: request more! Besides, issuing an RFE may justify prolonged time spent on one case. This may not be right. But this, sometimes, is human nature. Just put yourself in the adjudicator's shoes.

Also important is what you put in the letter. With 12 letters, I am afraid you may have to repeat the same thing again an again in at least some letters, that gives the adjudicator a chance to discredit what the letters say about you. I saw people get quick approval with 5 or 6 letters. There may be a reason behind this.
But I think an officer most likely doesnt read any of the letters!!! He/she probably just looks at your lawyer's cover letter as lawyers usually quote important parts of the recommendation letters in their narrative. I dont understand your logic about because I sent 12 letters, they were frustrated and asked for more!!! Why didnt they simply reject the case and say, you are not qualified! I wish I was rejected so that I could apply again rather than going through the process of responding to an RFE and then waiting for ever to hear something back which at the end may be a rejection!!! Anyhow, I had a lawyer for my case and he has been doing this type of case for almost 10 yrs. He was surprived about what they asked too. I believe they consider some political issues when they evaluate a case too!

But anyhow, anybody got an RFE from TSC please respond and let me know if they got some feedback yet?!?!??!
My opinion

I have to say I agree with pennoyervneff about too many references letters would harm your application in some ways. I guess your application is in the category of NIW. I saw so many weaker cases, including mine, got approved with about 5-8 letters. My friend suggested me sent only five letters and saved the rest for RFE. I just got tired of them and send all 8 letters. My case was appoved within 3 weeks. It is rediculous to ask more letters, since you already submitted 12.

All this just FYI. I wish your case will be aproved soon.
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