RFE Replied Waiting for approvals ( ND < Dec 99 ) - Please post


Registered Users (C)
  If your ND is less than Dec 99 / RFE replied and waiting for approval please post your info.

EB3 / PD Jan 99 / ND Oct 99 / FP Mar 01 / RFE Jul / waiting..

Kannan Ramanathan
Sept 99 Notice Date Still No Response...

My case is probably worse than yours. My PD 12/98 ND 09/99 FP 08/00 got RFE 11/00. Still waiting ....
PD: 11/25/97, ND: 10/7/99, RFE Received by INS: 5/3/01

I am still there...click on my user id to get more details...
waiti485, did ur company name change.

ur case seems to be so unusual, if ur company name did change, then maybe they put it on hold and now they process it. all the best.
There are many more...

There are tons of people with ND 10/99 that are still pending. These people have stopped contributing to this board - may be because they are getting too frustated seeing so many approvals with an ND of a much later date going through.
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Here comes a veteran.
PD 9/96,
RD 9/99,
RD 10/99,
FP 3/2001,
Company name change on hold until 6/19,
RFE on 7/16,
Replied on 7/25

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RFE-07/12/2001 (MAILED FROM INS)
RFE-07/16/2001 (RECEIVED)
RFE-07/26/2001 (RESPONDED)
WAITING ..........
RFE around 10th to 17th

Hi All
  We all are similiar in getting RFE during 10th Jul to 17th July and responded around same time ( i.e around July 25th ). Hope we will get approvals from this week. My 1 Rs. Guess.

Akshaya Kannan
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It looks scary as though when I am going through the cases. My case is almost like yours, except my ND is 02/00 with EB3, RFE replied 05/30/2001 still waiting. With so many approvals for 08/2000 cases, and so many people waiting with ND
RFE Pending

Hi Dudes,
looks like all of you are on the same boat as mine. My dates are as follows : EB3 - VSC

Priority Date - 09/28/1998
Receipt Date - 10/04/1999
Notification Date - 10/13/1999
FP Date - 03/08/2001
RFE Issued by INS for Employment Letter - 06/13/2001
RFE Recieved by INS - 07/02/2001
Still Waiting
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Is this got to do with the visa availiablity ????

So tomorrow (Aug 1st 2001) , new visa numbers will be available and we all might get approved in the first week of August .
 But then i don\'t understand why "GC_SS" and "DESKTOP" who responded almost two months back are still waiting.

Is it that INS is now not approving cases like ours, or we are a bung of unfortunate guys..
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gc_ss : We have very similar dates (my PD 9/30/98 RD/ND 11/99 FP 3/16/01 RFE 6/29 for employment letter replied yesterday)
Seems like all our cases are with the same lazy officer who takes his/her own sweet time to make any decisions.
Anyway Good luck all.
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It has been only 4 weeks since INS recieved my RFE not two months. Read the details above.
I am posting my details again.

EB3, PD 10/98
RD/ND 02/2000
RFE 05/10/2001
REPLY recd 05/30/2001
I got RFE by May 10th, reply recd by INS on May 30th
Called IIO, confirmed the RFE receipt by may 30th.

      1.) Photos (perhaps, INS lost them!!!)
      2.) Employment Letter
      3.) 3 Months Pay Stubs.
      4.) 3 years W2.

AVM still says, checked yesterday too, "on may 10th we sent you clarification.... "

My lawyer contacted IIO, recently, and cofirmed me that my case is "still pending under review".

It is exactly two months, after INS received my RFE reply, I am waiting. Hoping to get soon?????????????????????
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I am in same boat as you guys, EB3, PD: 01/98, ND: 02/00, FP: 04/01, RFE for 325A, Replied on 07/16, Received by INS on 07/19. Waiting.....................................