RFE Recvd - advice needed!!!!

Avi Singh

Registered Users (C)
Hi All

My RFE lists the following,
"Your name is listed on your birth certificate, passport, secondary school record, and your visas as Avinash. However, you have listed your name on the I-485 as Avinash Singh. Submit evidence that you have had a legal name change to add the surname Singh."

My story=I did not use my last name "Singh" in India (decision made by my father, who hates the caste system in India). But when I came to US, I started using my full name 'Avinash Singh'.

Solution- ???
What do I do now? They just ask for prrof of a legal name change.

1. I could get a Court Order from India for a name change
2. Could I get a court order from a US court for a name change (do they do that for non-US citizens)
3. Do I need to get my name changed on my passport

1) would be the quickest solution, followed by 2). 3) could take me some time (need to place newspaper ads in India, need to get their clippings, and submit other stuff at Embassy, wait 10-15 days).

Experts, please advise what I need to do. Also would it matter that the court order (if I get that) will be dated current, rather than have a date hwen I entered US and started using the name 'Avinash Singh').
I will certainly communicate with my company lawyer, but you know how it is with them.
