RFE recieved 4/24, not approved


New Member

My RFE is recieved by INS in 04/24, but still nothing happened. I called them last Friday, the lady said it is still not assigned to an officer, and some system check/security check is undergoing on my case. What could that be? Anyone have any idear? or Anyone same as my case?

RD 10/28
RFE 04/10
RFE recieved 04/24
Same here

My RFE was received on 4/23/03. Nothing yet. Don't worry. It's just a matter of time.
REF recv'd on April 21, still waiting.

Hi, I called two weeks ago, and the IIO told me the case had gone to the officer. Called today again, anoter IIO said this case is still not assigned. It's hard to believe what IIO said.