RFE Received


Registered Users (C)
RFE issued 2/20/02 and recieved by me on 2/26/02
RFE Details:
  Employment Letter stating Date of Hire, salary, Duties and proof of continued employment.
  Re submit Form G325 A Biographic Information Sheet.
My Question:
  Does anyone know why INS is asking for G325 again when we already filled it along with the application form. What does this combination mean to me? Thanks for suggestions

To gctrauma,

From Beginning how may employers(how many H1\'s)do you worked,
That could be the reason.
reply to all your question

before RFE AVM always said "your case recieved on march 8th.....and so on"
Yes i changed job b\'cus my sponsoring employer laid me off after 180 days and i got new job.
 I had 3 H1s until now and I am working on EAD now
 I am not sure whether we filled G325A or G325. What is the difference between these 2 do you know.

Thanks for your questions guys. I sincerely appriciate them.
Did you notify the INS for your job change?

How did they know your switching of job after 180 days?
No i didnt notify INS.

My attorney suggested not to give INS any uncalled for information.
 Do u think that INS knows about my job change. Is there a way they can know this? Please help.

Did you changed the Lawyer after joining new company ? Who received the RFE (You or your Lawyer).

Please reply.

Most probably they don\'t know, unless

your sponsoring company had BIG layoff that could attract INS \'s attention
answering your questions

I never notified any address change to INS. I always lived in the same area. Also I didnt change my attorney when I joined this new company. However I changed my attorney when filling for I485.
Yes my sponsoring empolyer had huge layoffs. At one time the total no. of employees were close 4000 and now it is at 100. But the Irony of the situtation is one of my collegues whose Notice date is 2 week later than mine (though he is still with the sponsoring employer) received his Approval in december and I recieved an RFE on FEB 20. How come the INS approved him in december and sent an RFE to me in Feb i feel this is unfair. I should have received this RFE in december.
My attorney recieved the RFE notice and he faxed it to me.
Thanks a lot to all of you. Your support is really helping in this troubled time.