RFE received ... URGENT Question

amit kapoor

Registered Users (C)
Dear Friends,

I just received the copy of RFE. I have a couple of questions, would highly appreciate inputs.

My RFE is for Tax returns for 2 years with schedules, pay stubs and marriage certificate.

My Concerns are

1. My present salary is 6000 less than the LCA, will that be an issue

2. I had made a company last year and had a $3000 loss in that company, so my tax return for 2002 shows that in schedules.

I am not sure how to handle the tax returns. Will this cause any problem.

3. Where can I get the marriage certificate from.

Please help.

ND: Nov 27,01
RD: Dec 13, 01
RFE: Apr 25, 03
EAC 0206251***
Don't worry...Even I had a about 5K diff in salary, my case was approved after rfe today. I guess IIO's are more concerned with the continued employment and taxed paid or not...so you should be find.
By the way...have you incorporated (S-CORP) ?
My RFE is for Tax returns for 2 years with schedules, pay stubs and marriage certificate.

My Concerns are

1. My present salary is 6000 less than the LCA, will that be an issue

2. I had made a company last year and had a $3000 loss in that company, so my tax return for 2002 shows that in schedules.

I am not sure how to handle the tax returns. Will this cause any problem.


Nothing to worry about the salary, my attorney once told me that +/- 10 % deviation is normally not questioned. So don't worry on this front.

3. Where can I get the marriage certificate from.


Without marriage certificate how did u get H4 for your spouse ?
I know people taking affidavit's in lieu of birth certifiates from Indian embassy, but marriage certificate I am not sure
Don't worry... but it is obvious

$6000 is nothing... I am making 20,000 less than my labor $$. and I just replied RFE and seen people getting approved.
BCIS also knows the job market and falling rates...
I believe as long you are honest it is ok...
Good Luck...
I forgot to ans your 3rd question....
You should have a marraige certificate from the local marraige office or mandal office..whatever saying that you are married. You should have got it when you married. Anyway, You may want to contact Indian embassy, check their site. They have procedure to obtain MC.

Thanks , it feels nice to belong

nbk10081, I just spoke with the Indian Embassy, they will issue a marriage certificate. I have incorporated an LLC.

saisiree, I have the Indian registration that I sent while filing. I don't know why they asked for it again.

Thanks again for help.

I am in the same situation, but have not received the REF yet. Does the BCIS send it your lawyer only, or send a copy to you also?


I formed an LLC online last year. It is fairly simple process, will cost you $250 for forming a company.

I used http://www.bizfilings.com/ to do that.

Let me know if you need any inputs.

RD: Nov 27,01
ND: Dec 13,01
RFE: Apr 25,03
Hey Amit, people say S-Corp or LLC has advantages over any other type. Is that true. Do you think we can really save on taxes if we incorporate ? what about business insurances, medical expenses...CPA ? can you tell me if there is any website that will explain all of this stuff. Man, I appreciate your response. Thanks.
Hi nbk10081,

LLC and S corporations avoid double taxation. you are taxed only once unlike the C corporations.

If you are on w2, you would still continue to have the medical covered. Insurance would depend on the type of business you want to do.

If you are selling products, then the insurance should cover the liabilities that can arise from the end consumer. If you have a consulting company then you have to take Employee Insurance. You will have to weigh the options keeping in mind your situation. Factor in the cost of insurance and medical plus other expenses that you can put in the company and then use your present income to evaluate the savings.

I started an LLC to focus on International Trade. I imported some stuff from India and China. That did not work out too well as I have a full time job. Now I am working on a catalog of Exporters.

My idea was not to save on taxes but to generate a secondary source of income. I saved some taxes but the loss was greater than the savings, anyhow. If you need any further assistance, please feel free.
