RFE received on employment status


Registered Users (C)
Anybody can help offer me a sample letter of response to this RFE? Thanks a lot.

RD 6/7/01
ND 7/25/01
1st FP 11/29/01
2nd FP 12/25/02
RFE 5/29/03
Sample Letter for employment

This is the Sample Letter used by a Successful 180 Day Job Changer who
has got his I-485 Approval Recently
> Dear Sir/Madam,
> This letter serves to confirm that Mr. ABC has
> been employed by Company
> Name as a "chief computer programmer" starting
> November 5, 2001 and is
> compensated with an annual salary of <$00000.00>.
> (Company Name) intends to employ Mr.ABC on a
> full-time permanent basis in
> the future as a <Job Title> for which an
> Application for Alien Employment
> Certification (Form ETA 750) and an Immigrant
> Petition for Alien Worker
> (Form I-140) have been approved. As such, his
> duties will be as follows.
> (mention the reponsibilities or Job Description).
> Feel free to call us should you have any questions.
HR Manager,
Good luck!



US Department of Justice

Immigration & Naturalization Service

Subject: Employment for (name of I-485 applicant)


This is in regard to a position offered to (I-485 applicant's name ) by our company for a business title ____________________, which will commence immediately upon his/her obtaining permanent residence, or work permission, in the United States. The salary will be paid semi-monthly and will be $________ per week for completing 40 hours a week.

Pl. feel free to contact the undersigned should you need any further information.

Many regards

(Signature & Business Title of person issuing letter)

(Name of Company)


(Contact Phone)