RFE received by INS 3.5 Months


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I am one of those unfortunate guys who is waiting for approval after submitting the RFE for more than 3.5 months.I dont know why INS is taking so long. Is any one in the same boat ? I called couple of times and the reply from IIO was not very convincing as you know already.I see few people on rupnet waiting like me for approval but not sure if they have been approved.Anybody in the same line? Any suggestions on what I can do? I only hope my case is not denied.I heard that if it goes beyond 4 months, there is a possibility that INS may deny the case. I read on Murthy.com.
is that true?

PD 10/98
RD 6/1/2001
FP 01/31/2002
RFE 07/02/2002
RFE REPLIED 08/15/2002
AD - Waiting ever since.

Maan, that is really scary. My RD is July 2001, my RFE was received my NSC on Oct 29, 2002, i was hoping for an approval in 3 weeks, that did not happen. I guess if you are waiting for nearly 4 months, it does not give us other guys much hope.

I wish you and the rest of us all the very best. Why are some of us put through so much more ?

After having waited and waited i decided that i should carry on with my life, i put off taking a vacation from a long long time, now, after nearly 4 years i will be going on a vacation (although this will always be in the back of my mind...not much of a vaction, i guess)

But, thats life...
GIVEME, Did you check with the IIO if they have received your RFE response. What was the response from the IIO when you called them. Is your online and AVM status updated with your RFE response received message. I am not sure of the 4 month deadline you are talking. I think you need to contact your attorney ASAP and have him call INS and check out what is going on. I agree it is not fair for you to wait for so long after you filed your RFE response. Good luck and keep us posted, do contact your Attroney ASAP.
GIVEME, Call IIO and find out it is atleast assigned to an officer?


Call INS-Nebraska and find out your case is atleast assigned to an officer or not?

4 months is too much after RFE . Take your attorney advice and proceed.
My response to rfe was received by INS on August 15,2002
and I am still waiting like you. Atleast you talked to the IIO,
but I could not even talk to them (the line is busy for ever
and I am frustrated and have given up calling them)
My receipt date/notice date, the date I received rfe from
INS everything is just 3 days behind your dates. I am not
sure what is going on. Also, I read from Murthy.com
that longer the delay, higher the risk is. I think Murthy.com
talks about this random security hit as well as if INS intends
to deny the case they may take longer. I am just holding
my breath GIVEMEGC, I dont know what is going to happen
But one thing for sure, GOD KNOWS WHAT IS GOING ON and I
By the way, I talked to my lawyer and he said the delays
in processing is quite normal and I dont have to panic.
Please let me know if you have any other information related
to these delays.
what was the response when you called the INS?
I know you had mentioned the response was not
satisfactory, but how many times did you call them
and what did they say? What did your lawyer say?
Murthy.com says INS can take up to 4 months
after we respond to rfe, if it matches the security hit
it can take more than 4 months and if they intend
to deny it might take much more longer and there is
no definite time frame for INS to respond to in general.
My Blood pressure has gone up in the recent days buddy.
Just keep me informed if you know anything

I talked to IIO 2 times since I replied RFE.First time IIO told me that the case has been assigned to an officer and the second time (after 1.5 months) the IIO told me that my case is not yet assigned.I too talked to my attorney and she too says not to panic. But INS is approving the cases within the 2 months after the RFE is responded.Why delay in our cases.No idea.

Hi Kanaka, since you are also waiting for a long time I was just wondering if we can discuss few things about our GC. Could you please give me your contact no at viji_one@yahoo.com. Or if you want me to send mine please let me know your email id.

Thanks for everyone for discussing and please continue to post as you find more info.

Call FBI at 304-625-5590 option #4 and first find the status of your Fingure prints sent to INS or not. If Yes find out the date? I heared that some times this might cause delay.

I know there are few options and also try to call IIO (speak with male one which I think will be helpful compare to fmale) and tell your situation and at same time put more pressure on ut attorney.
3 months waiting

Waiting for three months after RFE replied. Saw on Murthy.com that it usually takes from 3 weeks to 4 months.

Here is the web site that has the information about how NSC process RFE cases-http://www.uslawnet.com/Library/nsc022202.htm


11. What is the current procedure for processing a response to an RFE? After what amount of time is an inquiry into the case warranted? Members report instances in which a decision (approval) was not forthcoming. It appears that the RFE response was not quickly matched with the file but rather was queued as a new filing.

ANSWER: The process is as follows: the requested evidence arrives in our mailroom (hopefully, with the red-stripe envelope so that it is easily identified), it then takes approximately one week to match the requested evidence with the file on our shelf, then the file and requested evidence go to an adjudication officer, the adjudication officer works the RFE case before attending to new cases, and if the case is approved, the adjudication officer updates the case record in CLAIMS. If the case is ultimately denied, the process is slower because the officer must prepare a written denial which then goes to a supervisor and from the supervisor to our clerical unit before being mailed out.
Still Waiting RFE received by INS NSC ON 11 Jun

Hi All,

My case is the worst of all. I was issue RFE on 11 April 2002 and we replied on and it was received by INS on 11 June. After almost some six months no decision on my case yet. My FP were expired and I did my Second FP also. My atorney is not even responding after this much wait.

Here are my details.

PD 11-Jan-2000
RD 6-Apr-2001
ND 23-Apr-2001
FP 6-Jun-2001
AP 7 jUL 2001
EAD 7 jUL 2001

AP 7 Jul 2002 (Second one )
EAD 7 Sep 2002 (Second one )
FP 29 Nov 2002 (Second One)

I spoke to IIO so many times and every time the responce was different and some time very confusion. One IIO told me that your FP's are expired and I will request new FP for you which I did just 3 weeks after her request.

Every body says there is a light on the other side of this tunnel but in my case it's different.

Now my new wait is about waiting for FP result to reach to INS NSC. Anybody has FBI number for checking the FP status please let me know. I did my FP in San Jose.CA.


FBI at 304-625-5590 option #4

Is your case assigned to an officer ? What exactly INS-Neb telling about ur case.

Do you have any rfe? about ?

For MS186

Hi, MS186

Do you have any idea how long you have to wait after this?

The FP should be sent to the NSC very quick. But I have seen someone's posting before that said the NSC usually put such cases (second FP) back to the shelf and treated as a new case, in which case, you would have to wait, don't know how long, but whenever your case is pulled again as any other cases for review.

I just received my second FP today after all this long wait . My case was with an adjudication officer since Oct. 17.

Would you please keep me (oldmail022002@yahoo.com) posted if you heard anything about your case.

Thank you.
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Hi Jnjn,

I don't know how much more time it will take. But the scene is not good. I will talk to INS in next few days. I hope thing will move fast. I just wanted to come on some conclusion. If I have to go back I am for it. But I cann't keep hang like this forever.

My Attorney has been talking some non sence. She even suggested me to take some job in Canada. I don't know. I am living my life nornally. If it comes fine otherwise I know where is my home in India.

I will keep you posted. About FP thing, the best thing is that don't wait for long, as soon as it expires, request IIO to issue new FP's and they will issue it. I have waited too long based on my attorney's suggestion that immigration officer has 18 months special approval authority on you FP. But we should do it before I am mean as soon as it expires.

My suggestion is that Live your normal life, I know it is hard but you just cann't do that except wait and create some kind of medical problem for yourself. I think they purposefully do that to boost the medical industry.


:) :)
My RFE reply was received by INS on October 17th. I called twice so far, 1st response -- Case is with officer should task 2-3 weeks, 2nd response don't know when will happen, as IIO don't know officers workload.

Guys, What message you see when you check status online. Does say "You will receive written dicision" at the end of message