RFE question


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

i rec'd RFE for birth certificate. RFE was sent to me directly 9 copy did not go to lawyer), me being the beneficiary .

Do you think I should put a letter also along with that stating what I am submitting etc.

Also, is it a good idea to ask the attorney to submit response to my RFe instead of me sending it directly.

Any advise is appreciated.
If you have a lawyer that you trust, then contact him/her first.

In any case, collect the required documents ASAP:
If you have a birth certificate for
the requested person in English,
then a copy of this document is all that is needed.
If it is in another language, get a person other than yourself or the beneficiary(s) to do a translation to English and sign
a certificate of accuracy. Submit a copy of the original,
a copy of the translation and a copy of the signed certificate.
Best to fax everything to your lawyer before replying to BCIS
so he may check it.

Some people (in particular Indian-born) do not have a birth
certificate. In this case an affidavit from a local court in India
is needed. If this is your case, talk to a lawyer immediately.
This process takes much time.
