RFE not received


Registered Users (C)
I mailed my respone to VSC on Oct 5th. I spoke to an IIO on Oct 18. They have not received my response, nor have they sent the return receipt for the certified mail. Any thoughts? Should I resend or wait for a few more days?
Hope your RFE is acknowledged by VSC.....

My 2 cents...

U may want to wait for couple more days....
If no breakthru, then you might want to resend your
RFE (ofcourse, this time via FEDEX/UPS so that u can track
the status of your shipped document package).
Tricky situation

I know some people had to wait up to 2 months after they sent response to RFE for VSC to acknowledge that the applicant had responded to the RFE. I would wait no more than 3 - 4 weeks
How did you sent it in?

Did you sent it in via courier? Or some form of proof of receipt? Then you should have an issue..... on the other hand, if you were a cheapskate and sent it in regular mail, you had better start praying that it arrived in one piece.
My RFE sent on Sept 18, received on Sept 20

based on receipt. Last Friday (Oct 19), I checked phone messege and it said they received my Docs on Oct 19 (same day).