RFE not received for my wife yet !!!


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Hi Gurus.
On August 16 both mine and my wife's status said that an RFE has been generated. I received my RFE on Aug 20 itself. However my wife has still not received it.

I am thinking that maybe the status message just said RFE for both of us since I am the principal applicant. Has this situation ever happened to anyone else where the primary applicant got the RFE. But the online message said that an RFE has been generated in both the dependant as well as the principal applicant's case.

Please let me know as I am quite concerned.

same here

per on line case status, rfe for me and my wife was generated on 08/13. I have received mine. Nothing regarding my wifes rfe so far.
guju said:
Call the 800 number and ask them

800 no people know jack shit. I talked to my paralegal and she said that RFE would be there for my wife as well. Otherwise it should NOT have shown in the status message. But I will see it to believe it. I still think there is NO RFE for my wife.

Could other users who got approval please share your experience with us. When you got RFE did the status message change for your spouse as well even though they never actually did get RFE .

Please let us know .

Thanks !!
Same for me.

Online status shows that RFE for generated for both of us on 8/18. Lawyer received my RFE on 8/23, but hasn't received my wife's RFE yet.

Another wierd thing happened as well. Usually, whenever I get an update email from USCIS, I get two copies. I got two copies of the update indicating my RFE as well. However, I only got one copy of the update for my wife's RFE.

I am hoping that this means that there is no RFE for my wife.

Don't bother calling the 800 Number. I called today, and was told that I have to wait for one month before I can do anything about it.
Hi Folks. Just wanted to keep this thread alive. I still have not received any RFE for my wife yet. My attorney's paralegal will call the INS on Aug 30 when 14 days will have passed by.

Did any of you receive the RFE for your spouses yet ...
Hi Mjno1 and chiind. Did you guys get RFE's for your spouse's case yet. I still have not got mine. Please let me know .

Online message for dependent's RFE is not always correct as I know. I have a friend, online msgs showed that his case and his wife, son's cases all got RFE's issued on April. about 2 weeks later, he got his RFE for EVL and responded the RFE's. But they never received RFE's for the wife/son. They called, inquired, and did what ever they could. NSC's response was to ask them to call back 30 days back blah blah... One day (about 1 month after NSC received his RFE), their cases got approved. I mean, they all got approved and they NEVER received the stupid RFE's for the wife/son.

My suggestion is that you should call and inquiry for your dependents' RFE's. But most important is to respond your RFE as soon as possible. Who knows, there might be no RFE for your dependent(s).
Not yet.

I think Happyvoda is right (My attorney has similar experience). I am going to call the 800 number today and open an inquiry, leave it at that and not worry about it.
Haven't received it yet.

Haven't received my wife's RFE yet. My lawyer's paralegal said that she will call the 800 number after this Wednesday (14 days), but I am not optimistic.

I am planning to respond to my RFE once I get all paperwork done, without waiting for the other notice.
Any updates?

Puneet_gcard & MJ NO1: Have you heard anything on your spouse's RFE? Have you responded to your own RFE? If so, did the online status change for your spouse as well?

My lawyer is going to send my RFE response soon. They haven't heard anything on my wife's RFE. USCIS will not do anything until 30 days after the notice has been issued.
chiind said:
Puneet_gcard & MJ NO1: Have you heard anything on your spouse's RFE? Have you responded to your own RFE? If so, did the online status change for your spouse as well?

My lawyer is going to send my RFE response soon. They haven't heard anything on my wife's RFE. USCIS will not do anything until 30 days after the notice has been issued.

Hi Chiind and other friends.
My RFE response was mailed out this Tuesday. Just an hour ago I got 2 emails from USCIS that they have received the responses. This is what the emails said:

On September 9, 2004, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 570 and 600 days for us to process this kind of case. However because preliminary processing was complete, the remaining processing time will be less than the maximum stated in this message. You will receive a written decision on this case.

So I am keeping my fingers crossed. Also the LUD changed for my case status to today. But for my wife's case status it still says Aug 17 (the date on which RFE was sent out). Now I am getting a little concerned whether the RFE is lost or not for my wife.

The stupid paralegal at my attorney's office still believes that an RFE has been generated for my wife because the message indicates that. She said she has to wait for 30 more days before doing an inquiry again.

So frustrating this whole process has been. Hope there is light at the end of the tunnel.
What about your cases. Is there update on your spouse's RFE yet ?
Start an inquiry on spouse's RFE on the 18th.

We cannot do anything until 30 days have elapsed. My wife's RFE was generated on 18th August. I will call USCIS on 20th and will ask them to start an inquiry into the missing RFE.

I think all lawyers/paralegals will believe what is shown on the case status. It's good in a way. They will keep following up. I am lucky that I have a very responsive paralegal/lawyer.

My RFE response will be sent out soon.

Good luck to everyone.
Did any of you get RFEs for the derivatives?

Finally, Did any of you get RFEs for the derivatives?
Is the online status message about RFE is not correct.