RFE.... No recent Paystubs and W2 from Sponsering Company... Please Help

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Hi all,
I have a tricky situation upon receiving RFE. What I am getting paid is less than what mentioned in Labor approval papers.
So if I sent my 3 pay statements I will be caught.
What shall I do??
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I am in a different situation here.
I got RFE but what I am earning now is less than what in LCA.
Also I have to sent copy of W2 of 2000. The earnings are less than what in LCA because I was fired for a while rehired later. My lawyer says that I can pay a penalty of $1,000 because there is some new law so out of status in W2 of 2000 can be taken care.

My pay now is less than what mentioned in LCA. So when I sent my current pay statements they are going to find it out..
Please advice

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I think all you guys who can\'t substantiate what you claimed in your Labor certification (especially regarding your income) will be in a big bowl of hot soup once an RFE comes!