RFE - Medical question


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My spouse recd an RFE for medicals. The doctor did not the vaccines at that time (Dec 2001) as she was pregnant.
Now she has recd an RFE to complete the section about vaccines. It has been over 19 months since the medicals were done.

My questions is:
1. How long are the medicals valid ( I read somewhere that it is valid for 1 year only, is this true?)

2. Will I be OK to just proceed with the vaccines, or do i need to do the entire medicals.

Please let me know.

I know that Montoux test (test for TB) is valid for only one year.
Not sure abt other tests

my wife skipped MMR but tested immune for rubella. but the doctor signed the form and checked "vaccination" complete.
may be this will also be rfe issue in our case.
How was your filled out on medical form? I will look mine too.
Usually a medical is valid for 12 months only, but since you've received a RFE on the medical it indicates that BCIS has accepted your old medical. So don't worry about the validity of the medical, just reply for the RFE.

I'm on the same boat, my medical was done in Nov' 01, by the rule of numbers it should've been expired but BCIS sent a RFE on this last month. So I just took care of the RFE.

All the best.

medical exam validity

It seems that some of you guys are confused with the medical exam validity.

It's true that the medical exam results are only valid for 12 months but that validity is PRIOR TO FILING I-485 meaning that you must file your I-485 in less than 12 months after you got your medical done. For example : you got your medical done on July 29th, 2003; you have until July 28th, 2004 to file your I-485.
Once the "valid" medical exam is filed then IT IS VALID THROUGHOUT THE PROCESSING. That's why the BCIS (when sending RFE) only requests you guys to complete the missing part.

The FBI fingerprinting, however, works differently. It's only valid for 15 months (am I right ???) and that's why some of you folks (including myself) got the 2nd FP notice.

Hope this clears the confusion.
Recently we were talking to my daughters pediatrician. With reference to the conversation...
TB test if comes out negative, then the result is valid for 18 months only. But for people from India, they get BCG as a baby. The skin TB test may come out positive reacting to BCG even after 30 years. There are two solutions to this.
(A) Get the x-ray done and show that there is no evidence of TB (INS used to accept this, unless BCIS has changed the rules, I do not know....)
(B) Get vaccinated again by an oral drug for 9 months continuously, once each day, which works for a lifetime.
In my spouse's case there were a bunch of vaccines that were not administered, and the RFE specifically says that the section corresponding to it needs to be filled and signed.
after reading sinting's response, i am thinking that it is OK to just respond to that part of the RFE instead of doing the whole thing again.
What do you guys think?

you are better off responding that portion only.
I am assuming that the civil surgeon has not signed your wife's
form, is that right?
They have sent it in a sealed envelope to be opened by the civil surgeon only. Not sure if he has signed. But RFE says the physician should counter sign any changes that are made to thissuplemental form.
I am planning to get the supplemental alone done, and submit it to BCIS.
Just complete whatever BCIS has asked for and send it back to them. If you have a child less than a year old make sure you've talked with your child's pediatrician before your wife gets any immunization especially varicella.

We are going through the same process and we are waiting for a 3rd RFE asking my wife to complete her medicals. The first and second RFEs were sent during her pregnancy. Some idiot apparently did NOT bother to check the EDD!

Everything is complete for me however.

RD Sep 01
FP May 02 and will expire soon
RFE #2 response received on March 27, 2003

Waiting 01...02...03...

during pregnancy, how did the civil surgeon complete the medical form?

Mine they completed all the requirements except:

MMR, In addition he checked for R portion to see if that was immune and found immune with rubella. MM portion he wrote
not recommended at this time. But
he checked the box that infers the immunization is complete.

Is this similar to what they did in yours?

Chikki didn't you get a copy (green portion) of the medical form for yourself to keep. He should have given to you.
ghee bhai,

When we responsed to our RFE, we got a letter from my wife's gynecologist with her EDD and had the civil surgeon attach that with the RFE response. If you go through the guidelines for civil surgeons for medical exams of aliens applying for I-485:


you'll find that they recommend those waivers for pregnant women. Moreover you'll also find that pregnant women who've had the BCG vaccine can be granted an X-ray waiver.

However fools at the BCIS think they know better (wonder how, without any medical or for that reason any logical background!) and keep asking us to complete those tests! Our 2nd RFE was a carbon copy of the first and we were asked to respond before our daughter was born. This time (March 27, 2003) we asked the BCIS to refer to our first response and issue us an RFE after the EDD. They haven't done that yet.

Let me know if you have any other questions.
Ghee, Waiting_0102,
My wife and I went to the local county office (valid per BCIS list)today afetrnoon.

They opened the sealed envelope from INS. It contained the supplement to I-693. the doc simply wrote accross the application that my wife is pregnant and should return for vaccines, and checked the box that says the applicant is eligible for blanket waivers.

However, the county office nurse explained that for my wife's age they had to give only some vaccines(MMR for sure, No Hep-B, No Varicella, No Influenza, No Polio, No Hib; No Neumococcal; not sure about Dt/DTP, Td) and wrote that waiver is applicable for the remaining vaccines for reasons such as insufficient time interval, not appropriate age, etc.

They told me that the doc will sign, seal it and give it to me in a day or two.

after reading the doc's comments, it appears that his comments triggered the IIO to send an RFE:

Comments were: "Pregnant, to return after birth of baby". I don't know why he had to say that she has to come back for vaccines :mad:
Chikki, That is really unusual

I think if someone is pregnant then she/he is excused from taking
vaccinations. Not retro vaccinationation. What if the candidate is
pregnant again. They recommend not to get and shot 6-8 months before pregnancy.... or something like that.