RFE issued but not received.!!!!

Guess WHo

New Member

The AVM says that RFE was issued on April 9, 2001. My attroney claims
she has\'nt received anything. Sounds suspicious? My attorney is
in Boston and she claims that everytime the INS AVM says a date it
takes them 2-3 weeks to receive it from that date.
ANy truth to this? Can I call the IIO and ask her about it?
It is now 14 days since the RFE date.

Dr Deadpan
No Title

I am in the same situation. My RFE was also issued on 04/09/01 and I am yet to receive any information about it. I wll post as soon as I know something.

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I am somewhat in a same situation. According to AVM RFE\'s were issued for all of us(Me, wife and son) on April 11th. My attorney recieved RFE\'s for my wife and son(Asking to submit copy of H4 approval notice) on April 17th. Not recieved mine yet. Concerned I talked to an nice IIO this morning and he said this is normal and I should call them back if still not recieved after 30 days. Hope this helps.
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Same situation. According to AVM RFE sent on April 11th.
AVM recording says: Additional Evidence Required. I called my lawyer, jerk doesn\'t even reply my calls. When i caught him atlast, said the regular reply "will let you know when we get the details". He has consistantly screwed up in every stage of the process, to add to the misery of INS\'s Eternal wait. Screw ups include not sending I140 with 485 and the list goes on. Sorry for using this as my platform for sobbing ... I just try not to get too freaked out about the GC thing ... it will come when it has to ... this site has actually helped me be motivated to call VSC AVM etc. I am greatful to this site and more to the way it is organized. I thank Rajiv Khanna from the bottom of my heart btw... RK is not my lawyer :)
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I think you should call VSC since its now 14 days since they issued it. Mine was mailed on 4/9 according to the AVM and it was recieved on the 12th.
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1st RFE for Kids sent 4/9/01 as per AVM, received msg from company immigration dept on 4/18/01. INS sent notice to my attorney, then my attorney advised my company.

2nd RFE for me, sent 4/18/01 as per AVM, received 4/21/01 by me, and not attorney.
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Hi all,

My RFE was sent on 4/9/01. My attorney also claims she did not receive it yet. She has been very good all the time and I guess she is telling the truth. But you never know. I will post the details once i receive it.