RFE is issued


Registered Users (C)
Just read my online status and it sais:
"On March 4, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case....."
Damn! I'm not a primary applican, and my husbands case was
approved two weeks ago.
What it could be?
Our sons status online remains the same.

RD July 20, 2002
FP September, 2002
No second FP notice yet.
Hell! Now I'll feverishli wait for the leter it self.

I realize that the medical request is the most time consuming issue to complite.

Why they are doing it to me? They could just approve, without
that stupid request.

I guess my lawyer will be the first who gets the the letter from USBCIS?

Do not panick or get frustreted. Just face it, I guess we do not have a choice, whatever they want we have to give them.

Yes, the RFE will go to your lawyer.
Originally posted by Aurora
Just read my online status and it sais:
"On March 4, 2004, we mailed a notice requesting additional evidence or information in this case....."
Damn! I'm not a primary applican, and my husbands case was
approved two weeks ago.
What it could be?
Our sons status online remains the same.

RD July 20, 2002
FP September, 2002
No second FP notice yet.

RFE in such cases are usually related to Medical.
Originally posted by Aurora
Hell! Now I'll feverishli wait for the leter it self.

I realize that the medical request is the most time consuming issue to complite.

Why they are doing it to me? They could just approve, without
that stupid request.

I guess my lawyer will be the first who gets the the letter from USBCIS?


Unfortunately, most RFEs are a by-product of a new culture of "NO" and new procedures..See my post from AILA. It is another dirty trick....
The details of my RFE have come to my lawyer today.
Can you imaging what it is?
It is the medical; the doctor forgot to put my immunization details to the INS form.
Now I have to go to the medical office and ask that doctor to find my record and provide the USBCIS with that immunization info.
I hope they still keep my record, because otherwise I will have to repeat it once again.
Don’t you think that doctor owes me a lunch (at least)?

RD July, 2002
FP1 Sept,2002