RFE for marriage certificate, please give suggestions


Thank you very much for the information.
We have already replied with the following doccuments.

1. Two affidavits
2. Marriage photos
3. Wedding cards(from both sides)
4. Copy of our daughter's birh certificate which shows our names
5. Copy of my passpost in which my husbnad's names is entered as spouse
6. Tax return which we filed jointly as married
7. notarized copy of the church marriage certifiacte
8. copy of christian marriage act

We wrote a detailed cover letter explaining all these.
we will take a chance with these doccuments.
If they ask for further varifiaction we will get the certificate from the place you mentioned.
We will try to get this doccument by this time.
Thank you

You're wecome!

BTW, did you get a copy of the Christian Marriage Act from India in a printed form, or is it available in an electronic form somewhere?

Got the electronic form. It is hard get the original doccument from
India. I searched the internet and found it from some indian website. or if you check like "indian christian marriage act" you will get that website.
Thanks & regards

Yes, she was able to get it approved based on the documentation she provided. I remember seeing that approval on another thread.