RFE for for incomplete medical form -Please help


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Please advise me for an unusual RFE. I got an RFE for an incomplete medical form. The doctor at this hospital did not complete the form and left out a section of the form. INS asked me to get the form completed and seal it and send it. But the problem is the doctor has left the hospital few months ago and replaced by a new doctor who is authorised to do the same job. But the INS has asked for the same doctor. I am really confused and I do not know where the hell is this old doctor is. And my I-485 application was filed in 9/99. I have not seen such an in competent doctor so far. I had a worst experience with this doctor and the hospital. Any help is appreciated. I am an IGATE employee.

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I am sorry to hear your case... but since this isn\'t a case to harm your GC...

If I were you I would approach an attorney and take legal approch in dealing with INS in these case. After all these are te reasons lawyers are there! If they are no good for this why the hell do we need them.
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 Thanks for your advise. I already wrote to the lawyer and waiting for his response. I was just wondering any one had the same kind of experience.
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Go to the same hospital and ask them to do this

1. complete all the Tests if any has to be done
2. Fill a new form with all the previou and new information and some remarks in remarks column telling that by mistake previously they did not comlete some of the sections.
3. Ask them to put in the sealed enveloped
    1. New form
    2. RFE copy and Old form returned by INS

Hope this helps
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I have the same problem couple of months ago. Now mine is approved last month after I asked the same hospital to complete the form. Some other doctor at the hospital filled brand new application with old previous test results ( all the hospital have their records archived).

Don\'t worry just ask the hospital to complete the forms. Or you could get a brand new medical exam with some other doctor. Either way the INS will accept it.

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Thanks John and emanissp,
I just went to the hospital and they told me they will fill up the form and give it to me. I was really angry about the doctor. Thanks once again.