RFE for employment,got laid off,pleasehelp


New Member
Hi all

I got RFE for Employment.
I was laid off in Jaunary and I couldn't find a position by this time. I am still workingat the same place without a paycheck. My case is EB1-EA and it dosen't require a job, but INS is aksing me that. What I have to do in this sitaution. Anybody in this situation??
Please give suggestions.
Take a letter from your sponsored Co.


The best way is to take an emplyment letter from your sponsored Co. and send it. BCIS is not asking for paystub so you are safe.

Thank you very much for the replying.

I am getting a letter form them and sending along with my W2.But They won't mention my salary or naything in the letter.
Hope this will work out.