RFE for EB1-EA


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Finally I got RFE in my mail box.

It stated "your initial submission of evidence is insufficient to establish that you are already at the very top of your field....."

1. I submitted a copy of highlighting of one of my published papers in "Chemical and Engineering News" whose circulation number is 140,000, however it was not counted. I now doubt if it can be treated as published materials (It was just few sentences).

2. Asked to submit evidences if I hold an elevated level of membership in any of the organization, although submitted documents of membership.

3. Proof to judge of other (not students) works.

4. Asked to submit evidence if my role is regarded as a critical or leading by that institution beyond the lab in which I work.

5. Finally asked "if any expert in your field in addition to (my name), including those not in your circle of acquaintance, believe that you have already risen to a level above all others in (my field).

I submitted application by myself based on my own knowledge and web information. I appreciate your suggestion.
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Originally posted by $$01011964
Finally I got RFE in my mail box.

It mentioned "your initial submission of evidence is insufficient to establish that you are already at the very top of your field....."

1. I submitted a copy of highlighting of one of my published papers in "Chemical and Engineering News" whose circulation number is 140,000, however it was not counted. I now doubt if it can be treated as published materials (It was just few sentences).

Get a letter from C&EN editor which describes their guidelines for for choosing papers for "Science Concentrates" - I assume that's what it was. Get a letter from the science editor himself if possible.

2. Asked to submit evidences if I hold an elevated level of membership in any of the organization, although submitted documents of membership.

What sort of memberships do you have? ACS and AIChE memberships don't cut it. You need to be a fellow of a society or an academy nowadays.

3. Proof to judge of other (not students) works.

Did you review any papers? Grant proposals? If no - it's not too late.

4. Asked to submit evidence if my role is regarded as a critical or leading by that institution beyond the lab in which I work.

Get a lengthy letter from other faculty members/lab managers. Surely you know one or two?

5. Finally asked "if any expert in your field in addition to (my name), including those not in your circle of acquaintance, believe that you have already risen to a level above all others in (my field).

Well, did you have any evidence to that effect?
Dear lamonte,

Do you have any suggestions about national recogniion of particular awards? Is there any type of federal registry or list for that? Does American Academy of Sciences knows it?

In my situation they questioned my administrative award from a US government agency for a breakthrough discovery. They say it is not nationally recognized.

In number of cases that I know they were not questioning postdoctoral science fare travel awards for the best poster presentation and easily accepted them as evidence.
Re: Re: RFE for EB1-EA

Originally posted by lamonte
Thnaks for your kind suggestion
what sort of memberships do you have? ACS and AIChE memberships don't cut it. You need to be a fellow of a society or an academy nowadays.
ACS and SigmaXi. The reviewer argued , " it has not established that the noteworthy achievements required of all Sigma Xi's 5,000 new members each year rise to the field of outstading achievements required by this criterion." Although after my application I became a fellew of a society. I wonder if it is acceptable now to BCIS.
Did you review any papers? Grant proposals? If no - it's not too late.
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I had to go and check what SigmaXi is! But is does not sound good to me, since new members are invited based on their potential, not accomplishments. That is unless you're a full member. But even then, I suspect they have a list of major societies which they can check to see what's acceptable and what's not.
I'm under the impression that all evidence must predate the original filing. I may be wrong about that. In any case - if you present additional evidence in the form of letters that do not cite specific dates you will probably be ok.
My personal opinion is that the language of RFE is very important and you should fashion you responses in such a way that if RFE says "is this critical or leading?", then the letter from your supervisor should use these exact words "this work is critical and leading", and it would not hurt to repeat it twice. Put it this way - good letter is the one that makes you blush.
Why did you file EA? You would've probably sailed through OR with this sort of evidence.
Originally posted by alexk
Dear lamonte,

Do you have any suggestions about national recogniion of particular awards? Is there any type of federal registry or list for that? Does American Academy of Sciences knows it?


Frankly, I have no idea. In my field there're so many of them that they have long ceased to be meaningful.
I think they all say that. It means exactly what it says - CIS will accept only one pesponse to the RFE. What do you mean by "dropping a claim"? You are not intending to write "Well, I said I had awards, I do not claim that anymore" or something of the sort, are you?
Which BCIS center

Can you tell us which BCIS center your petition wasreviewed? I think different centers have slightly different policies.
Does everyone know about this link?

Just one example: someone has 5 publications that were never cited. They respond - no citations means no recognition of your work. Sounds reasonable.
Another one has 20 publications three of which has been cited 20-30 times (mostly not self citations). They reject this one too - citations just show your scientific honesty. Usually in each paper there are 30-40 references. Why your paper is better than other 39?