RFE for EA: critical role for organization that have distinguished reputation


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I got a RFE for my EA from NSC asking very general evidence. One of them is evidence for critical role for organization that have distinguished reputation.

My question is how people can prove this critical role: a letter from the boss and letter from top specialist of the company? what kinds of company qualifies for \'distinguished reputation". In my case I work for GE.

Any input is appreciated.
No Title

GE - I am sure qualifies as a distinguished organized.

Put as evidence all the brochures that you can get above GE (I guess is the biggest company in the US based on market cap).

Put Brochures from the work done at GE\'s Corporate R&D Labs and your particular group.

Get Letters from your Company Technical folks in the upper management that you are critical to the organization and you have contributed significantly to it.

GE pays very low

There is a common saying that "GE is better on your resume than on your paycheck". I agree that GE qualifies as a distinguished organization. A letter from a big fish at GE would work. However, I would suggest that you avoid mentioning your salary as it is usually (not always) lower than other companies.
What\'s qualifications?

I am also considering EA but I don\'t know what qualifications
INS will expect. Could post your qualifications? Thx

PhD from big ten school
10 papers
3 journals reviewer
some citations for my publication
10 reference letters
EB1(EA) Approved at CSC

I just heard that My EB1(EA) has been approved at CSC on 01/08/02.

Here are my details.

- PhD in Computer Science (1999) in US.
- 5 years experience including 2 years in India in top
  Research Labs and Promising Stratups
- 35 international papers including 10 journal papers
- Editorial Board of three international journals
- Program Committee Member of over half a dozen conferences
- Invited Speaker and Chair of Conference Sessions
- 30 letters of reference (15 before RFE and 15 after RFE).
  Letters from Former Colleagues, Supervisors, Independent Reviewers.
  From Around the world.
- Referee for over 20 papers
- Judge in National Contests
- Self Petitioned/No Lawyer involved.
- Earlier had got my EB1(OR) a year and half back. I left the job to join a startup after my I-140 approval (Bad Move:-( ).
- High Salary.
- Regional Awards and University Awards.
- National Awards in India.

ND 04/01
RFE 09/01
RFE ND 12/01(Took a long time to submit a very detailed RFE response).
AD 1/02

I will try to setup a small information page for self-petition applicants in a months time. Please bear with me.

The key is hard work and prayers (lots of them)!

This Website and this particular section has been very useful. Lots of Help from People who have already tread the path... Thanks!

Best of Luck,
