RFE for birth certificate


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I\'ve gor RFE\'d for my birth certificate. Everything is right at my birthcertificate except the "date of registration". Only two years back I\'ve got my bc and they\'ve put the date as 2000. INS got doubt since I registered only two years back even though I was born a long time back. Anyway they are asking for my first school record, first church ceremony, hospital birth record and/or census record. I\'ve asked my father to try for these. Anybody went thru similar situation? Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks.
didn\'t you submit the school certificate already.oneof it must have had the DOB already

as much as possible

My attorneys suggested me to get as much as possible. The key point is I need to get the oldest records. eg. my first school record. The school head said it may take 2 months to issue the letter as it has to go to the local govt. board before issuing !!!?

The keyword here is the earliest record available. The letter should be from my first school. My 10th std mark certificate with dob is not enough.
Same here

Hi i\'m also in the same situation Please let me know what kind of action is needed. in my case i didn\'t receive REF yet as mine Dec 01-RD So Please keep me posted.
dname...one question?

Is RFE particular about just date of birth proof or also place of birth by asking earliest record? The reason for my question is, what if you have earliest school record that just show DOB and not place of birth.
Ask lawyer about getting another BC or getting letter from Embassy

I got my BC in 2001 but "Date of Registration" was 2-3 months after my birth ...I guess if your birth was registered than a local authority can provide that certificate again with correct date of registration .

Also I know one of my friend did not had BC but he went to Embassy in Washington and got a letter stating that Birth Date is so and so .

Just want to give idea about the Embassy thing as quite less people know about it ..Check with your attorney what he suggests
Same boat..

My RD is 02/02 and has the same problem as registration date being recent on the Birth Certificate. I used the "search" option on this page to see previous RFEs on this issue. I found that CSC most of the times issues an RFE for similar cases, however there were many cases at VSC that were approved without RFE even if the registration date was recent. I assume that Dname applied at VSC and got an RFE. What is your RD?

Anyway, Dname, please keep us informed - I now expect an RFE for my case, too. My older school records are in non-English language - so again translation, etc. issues will arise!!

Thank you.


Provide as much documents as u can like ur mother hospital discharge certficate, Affidavits from parents/relatives, letter from consulates, letter/certificate from local municaplity.
affidavits instead of birth certificates

In my case birth certificate registered date and issue date both are in year 2000 !! I did not have any birth records so I had to go to court and my parents testified in front of magistrate regarding my date of birth. Then local court issued an order to local municipality to add my name to their birth registry. I did get a RFE from VSC but not for birth certificates.
If you get RFE for BC and you cannot get enough documents you can also provide two affidavits from your closest relatives (Preferably father and mother). Sometimes I think if birth certificates are so complicated why not choose the easy way. Get two affidavits. Job is done in one day !!

Hello guys,

Just to give an update, I was able to get letters from my first school and a religious institution stating my dob, place, etc. But the attorneys said, they may not be accepted. I am still waiting for an explanation from them.