RFE For Birth Certificate Question


Registered Users (C)
I am a US Citizen sponsoring my parents. Unfortunately, we just got an RFE for my father's birth certificate. His name is not fully written. The surname and family name are joined to his name ( a tradition in my country). We submitted just the english translation too.

We just got an RFE for birth certificate?. It does not say, if it is because we did not send the native language birth certificate or because the name does not fully match.

I read else where that when the name does not match, you need to get 2 affidavits from relatives over 10 yrs elder to him who can say his name is ... and his birth date is ........ Unfortunately in my parent's situation he does not have any one more than 10 yrs older. He has 2 siblings and in-laws who are less than 10 yrs older than him. Would 2 of his siblings affidavits be ok?
