RFE - Employment Letter


Registered Users (C)

I have posted this message earlier but still not clear about the answers. When the company gives employment letter to INS what do they say? How can they determine on behalf of you how long they would employ you? Folks who got RFEs like taka-digi, vinayak and others :- did you give any letter to your employer stating your intention to be there for specific period of time after GC?

Please advise
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I just replied to an employer letter RFE and all it said was
- the date of employment
- the salary was put as "in excess of..." the one stated in Labor.

Nothing to say that how long they will keep me around in future.

Hope this helps

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I prepared the employment letter myself as great lawyer said its employers responsibiity to draft the letter and great employer said its lawyers responsibility.. Anyway, I am still struggling to get sign on the employment letter from HR since last 2-3 weeks. One of those things which you cannot avoid.

Anyway, but in the letter you don\'t have to mention anything related to the duration after getting GC. So don\'t worry.

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Hope you get that signed & sent some time soon. I think it is the lawyer\'s responsibility to send a format/sample letter to the employer and the employer should draft the letter, sign it and send it back to the lawyer. It can all be done in one day.......
But then in this final stage we don\'t feel like fighting with lawyer nor the employer, right ??
I am still waiting for the news......

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Here is the sample letter from one of the users on this board (user id - fromSA, I think)

Letter Format : (Received from my employer)

Date :
Honorable Paul E. Novak
VSC Address
Re: Employment Verification of (Name)

Dear Mr. Novak:
This letter is to verify the intention to continue the employment of (NAME) as a s/w engg. under the terms and conditions set forth in his previously approved labor certification and immigration petition.

(NAME) has been employed with our company since (JOINING DATE). He/she will continue to perform job duties, which are described in his labor certi. at an annual salary (AMOUNT). We are pleased with his performance and would like to continue his/her employment contingent, ofcourse, upon approval by the INS.

Should you have any question / any other info. required regarding (NAME)\'s employment with our company please do not hesitateto contact me.



This letter is very close to what I\'ve sent and the last line in second paragraph should answer your question. I haven\'t given any letter to my employer regarding continued/future employment.
Hope this helps
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Hi EB2 PD Jul 1998 (BS +5) ND/RD Oct 1999
I had also received the RFE for Employment letter on Apr 9th and still waiting for the lawyer to reply to INS. I am waiting for the lawyer to reply. Anybody has idea about how long it will take after this reply to INS.
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I rec\'d the Emp letter RFE on April 9, and my lawyer replied on April 11.
Still waiting.....After looking at the approvals last week, I am more optimistic now and think I might get it next week.
However I\'ve seen people wait more than two months........

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Thanks for the update.
I think mostly next week my lawyer will send the reply .
I wish you good luck to you and all of us and I hope everything go smooth from now onwards.
Pls keep this thread posted.
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Yes, This letter was drafted by my lawyer and I printed on my company\'s letterhead and got signature of my employer. And just 30 mins back I handed over everything to my lawyer. So he is gonna takecare of it.

Good Luck
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beegee, in the RFE that was sent for me, INS asked for Employment Letter to include my current employment status and my prospect for continual employment by the employer. So, there was no reason for the employer to guess the employees intention to stay. The employer was only supposed specify the prospect for me in the future.