RFE case approved. RD - 02/12/2001


Registered Users (C)
PD : 09/99
RD : 02/01
ND : 02/01
FP : 06/01
RFE issued: 01/02 for last two years earning statement.
REF received by INS: 02/07/2002
Approved : 02/27/2002
Thanks, guys. Hope your case will approved soon

Just relax and be ready, we\'re getting there.
I start my deduction several month ago and ...

Honestly say, I don\'t know if company should pay back the SS and medical tax, or I should do it. And I do prepared to pay it if INS ask for it. So far, INS seems ok for it. My suggestion for you would be if you haven\'t paid it, deduct it now - since you can enjoy some benefit only after you paid those tax for certain period of time. Hope this helps.