RFE: AVM says Additional documentation after waiting for so long.


Registered Users (C)
RD: 07/19
AVM:Resumed on 1/11
AVM:RFE on 3/05
Is a copy sent lawyer, how many days days does take to ge the mail.
How many days after sending RFE, will it get apprvoved
Welcome aboard Flight RFE 777


Just kidding. I am in the same boat. We can probably trade info with fellow RFEr\'s around this time ( ScorpionRaj, pban and a few more friends ). Lawyer receives the notices in 3 or 4 days from now. But you can always keep the probable evidences ready ( Like 4 or 5 most recent pay stubs/ 3 or 4 years tax forms and W2s ). Anyway, we will have about 90 days to reply the RFE.

Hope this helps and my prayers for a simple and easy RFE time for you.

Don\'t get your question

But anyway answering your question based on what I made out :

Everyone is supposed to keep at least 7 years of their tax history ( for even if you are a citizen, IRS can ask you for the same ).

Second, most of the RFEs ask for this, along with Employment Verification Letter ( if your company had recent layoffs or your application is pending adjudication for a long time ).

hope this helps.

RFE thread

I received RFE yesterday. My case is EB1-EA. RFE is for employemnt letter and most recent pay stubs. It said " Although an I-140 self petitiioner for E11 is not required to submit a job offer with the I-140 proceeding, he/she is required to submit evidence to show they will be employed in the U.S. when I-485 is filed. ......Submit a letter showing you are emplyed.........."

I asked my lawyer to submit the employment letter. He thought it was not necessary and wanted to keep it for possible RFE. Now it comes......

It will be useful if we keep a thread for RFE only. At least we know what INS is looking for and the approximate schedule of approval.
RFE issued for 2 photographs

PD :11/97
RD : 5/12/01 or so ( hard to keep track of these statistics)
ND : 7/15/01 or so
FP : done Oct/01 (Scheduled Nov)
RFE : for 2 photos 2/14/02 ( you can guess who lost it :) )
RFE : received by lawyer 2/21/02
RFE : responded by him 2/22/02

AVM message not yet changed to RFE received

lets track RFE\'s now!